The Trogidae or hide beetles are a family of beetles with a distinctive warty or bumpy appearance. Found worldwide, the family includes about 300 species contained in three or four genera.
Trogids range in length from 2.5 to 20.0 mm. Their shape is oblong to oval, with a generally flat abdomen. Their color ranges from brown to gray or black, and they often encrust their bodies with soil. They resemble scarab beetles with heavy limbs and spurs.
They are scavengers and are among the last species to visit and feed on carrion. They are most often found on the dry remains of dead animals. Both adults and larvae eat feathers, fur, and skin. Some species are found in bird and mammal nests. Details of the life histories of many species are poorly known, since many are specialized to particular types of nests. They are often overlooked by predators and collectors due to their behaviors of covering their bodies with soil and becoming motionless when disturbed.
This group may also be considered Troginae, a subfamily of the Scarabaeidae. The common name "skin beetle" is sometimes used in reference to these beetles, but more often refers to species of the Dermestidae.
Tout doucement, j'ai refermé mes yeux
Tout le jour est passé, sans toi baby.
Et j'essaie d'oublier,
Ton absence dans mon coeur,
Je côtoie le silence, en quête de sérénité.
J'apprivoise la solitude, espérant le renouveau,
L'obscurité fait place, à la lumière.
J'ai effacé le temps, balayé mes tourments
Et le calme a pris place dans mon coeur.
Yeah... Yeah...
Le calme est revenu.