The tribe Triticeae within the subfamily Pooideae of grasses includes genera with many domesticated species. Major crop genera found in this tribe include wheat (See Wheat taxonomy), barley, and rye; crops in other genera include some for human consumption and others used for animal feed or rangeland protection. Among the world's cultivated species, this tribe has some of the most complex genetic histories. An example is bread wheat, which contains the genomes of three species, only one of them originally a wheat Triticum species. Seed storage proteins in the Triticeae are implicated in various food allergies and intolerances.
This list of tribes broadly follows that in Grass Genera of World. Although taxonomic disagreements exist about the precise circumscription of some genera, this scheme is typical of those used in taxonomic literature.
Come back my love, don't go away
Come back my love, come back to stay
I love you so, well, I want you to know
I need your love so badly
Oh, won't you
Come back my love, don't go away
I need your loving everyday
I love you so and I want you to know
I need your love so badly
You said goodbye, I wonder why
All because of those silly lies
I love you so, well, I want you to know
I need your love so badly
Well, everbody makes big mistakes in this game of
Well, I'm asking you, darling
Why don't you come back and give me a chance?
Come back my love, don't go away
I need your loving everyday
I love you so, well, I want you to know
I need your love so badly
Well, everbody makes big mistakes in this game of
Now I'm asking you, darling
Why don't you come back and give me a chance, oh, baby?
Come back my love, yeah, don't go away
I need your loving everyday
I love you so, well, I want you to know
I need your love so badly
I need your love so badly (Oh, b-b-b-baby)