Trikaripur (Malayalam: തൃക്കരിപ്പൂര്) is a Special Grade Panchayat and a town situated at the extreme southern part of Kasaragod District in the North Malabar region of the Kerala State, India.It is the first wifi enabled Panchayath In India. This Panchayath consists of two villages: South Trikaripur and North Trikaripur. North Trikaripur village is centered on the Main Bazar, and the South Trikaripur village is centered on the Elambachi.
The 2001 Census of India determined that the population of Trikaripur had a population of 32,626.
Trikaripur was part of the Mooshika Dynasty in ancient days. During the British Raj Trikarpur was administered under the Madras Presidency in Malabar District. It became part of Kerala with that state's formation on November 1, 1956.
Story Behind the name of Trikaripur
Parasurama (one of Lord Vishnu's "avathar") during his journey to Kerala concentrated on the construction of temples. He constructed a city of towers and mansions decorated with gold and precious stones. He made a menagerie for elephants with arrangements for feeding and breeding. This place is known as "The sacred Village of elephant "(Thiru-Karipuram) and later on "Thrikkaripuram" (similar to Thrikkanamathilakam which was originally Thiru-Kana Mathilakam) which with the passage of time came to be known as the present day "Thrikaripur".