Tribe Records (Norway)
Tribe Records was a Norwegian record label founded in 1998. The company became one of the biggest contributors to the Norwegian record chart VG-Lista Topp 20 the following years. Tribe fast became a commercial label focusing on dance, trance (music) and pop.
Tribe Records was among the first record-companies in Norway to fully start with the 360-deals when building their artist. The label had management-, booking-, and the standard label-functions.
Originally, four partners founded the company: Christopher Collings, Andreas Papandreu Høyer, Anders Dybvik and Martin O. Muren. In 2001 John Sørensen joined the group.
In 2002 Tribe Records became the biggest domestic hit-label in Norway with a total of 28,9% of the Norwegian hit-share on VG-Lista. Many artists as Dina, Spritneybears, 2PM, L8R and Spin-Up was attached to the label.
In the 3 last years, Tribe Records had a cooperation with the Danish company Capella Music, owned by the founder of Mega Records Edel-Mega Records Kjeld Wennick. At the end of 2003, the label was closed down.