Base is an international design, communications, audiovisual, copywriting and publishing firm established in 1993. The company has studios located in New York, Brussels, Santiago and Geneva.
Base was founded in 1993 in Brussels.
From late 2001 to 2003, Base designed and produced BEople, “a magazine about a certain Belgium.”. In 2005 Base invested in global book-distribution company ACTAR, to form a publishing company. The first book from BuratPublishing was a monograph of artist Maria Ozawa entitled "Are You Experienced to Fuck me?", and was released in 2009. In 2007, Base partnered to open BozarShop, the museum store at the Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels.
A baseball field, also called a ball field or a baseball diamond, is the field upon which the game of baseball is played. The term is also used as a metonym for baseball park.
The starting point for much of the action on the field is home plate, which is a five-sided slab of whitened rubber, 17 inches square with two of the corners removed so that one edge is 17 inches long, two adjacent sides are 8½ inches and the remaining two sides are 12 inches and set at an angle to make a point. Adjacent to each of the two parallel 8½-inch sides is a batter's box. The point of home plate where the two 12-inch sides meet at right angles is at one corner of a ninety-foot square. The other three corners of the square, in counterclockwise order from home plate, are called first base, second base, and third base. Three canvas bags fifteen inches (38 cm) square mark the three bases. These three bags along with home plate form the four points at the corners of the infield.
All the bases, including home plate, lie entirely within fair territory. Thus, any batted ball that touches those bases must necessarily be in fair territory. While the first and third base bags are placed so that they lie inside the 90 foot square formed by the bases, the second base bag is placed so that its center (unlike first, third and home) coincides exactly with the "point" of the ninety-foot infield square. Thus, although the "points" of the bases are 90 feet apart, the physical distance between each successive pair of base markers is closer to 88 feet.
In exponentiation, the base is the number b in an expression of the form bn.
The number n is called the exponent and the expression is known formally as exponentiation of b by n or the exponential of n with base b. It is more commonly expressed as "the nth power of b", "b to the nth power" or "b to the power n". For example, the fourth power of 10 is 10,000 because 104 = 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 10,000. The term power strictly refers to the entire expression, but is sometimes used to refer to the exponent.
When the nth power of b equals a number a, or a = bn , then b is called an "nth root" of a. For example, 10 is a fourth root of 10,000.
The inverse function to exponentiation with base b (when it is well-defined) is called the logarithm to base b, denoted logb. Thus:
For example, .
Firefox is a single player arcade laserdisc game based on the 1982 Clint Eastwood movie of the same name. It was produced by Atari, Inc. in 1984 and was Atari's only laserdisc game. Like Atari's previous first-person games Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back, Firefox came as both an upright and sit down cabinet, and featured a yoke style controller.
To develop the laserdisc footage, two developers, Mike Hally and Moe Shore, sifted through miles of footage from the film, amounting to 20 to 30 hours' worth. Most of the resulting footage was first-person shots filmed from helicopters flying over Greenland and Scandinavia.
The title was the second laserdisc game to be added to MAME, with intermediate version 0.128u4.
Mozilla Firefox 3.0 is a version of the Firefox web browser released on June 17, 2008 by the Mozilla Corporation.
Firefox 3.0 uses version 1.9 of the Gecko layout engine for displaying web pages. This version fixes many bugs, improves standards compliance, and implements many new web APIs compared to Firefox 2.0. Other new features include a redesigned download manager, a new "Places" system for storing bookmarks and history, and separate themes for different operating systems.
Firefox 3.0 had over 8 million unique downloads the day it was released, and by July 2008 held over 5.6% of the recorded usage share of web browsers. Estimates of Firefox 3.0's global market share as of February 2010 were generally in the range of 4–5%, and then dropped as users migrated to Firefox 3.5 and later Firefox 3.6. Partially as a result of this, between mid-December 2009 and the end of January 2010, Firefox 3.5 was the most popular browser (when counting individual browser versions) passing Internet Explorer 7.
Mozilla Firefox 4 is a version of the Firefox web browser, released on March 22, 2011. The first beta was made available on July 6, 2010; Release Candidate 2 (a base for the final version) was released on March 18, 2011. It was codenamed Tumucumaque, and was Firefox's last large release cycle. The Mozilla team planned smaller and quicker releases following other browser vendors. The primary goals for this version included improvements in performance, standards support, and user interface.
There was one security update in April 2011 (4.0.1) and version 4 of the browser was made obsolete by the release of Firefox 5 in June 2011.
This marked a transition to giving much less weight to major version numbers, with 5 more major version numbers used by September of that year (5, 6, 7, 8, and 9), compared to 4 in nearly a decade of Firefox development (1, 2, 3, 4).
On October 13, 2006, Brendan Eich, Mozilla's Chief Technology Officer, wrote about the plans for "Mozilla 2", referring to the most comprehensive iteration since its creation of the overall platform on which Firefox and other Mozilla products run. Most of these objectives were incorporated into versions 3.0, 3.5, and 3.6. The largest changes, however, were deferred to Firefox 4.0.