Trews (Truis or Triubhas) are men's clothing for the legs and lower abdomen, a traditional form of tartan trousers from Scottish apparel. Trews could be trimmed with leather, usually buckskin, especially on the inner leg to prevent wear from riding on horseback.
Tartan trews shared the fate of other items of Highland dress, including proscription under the Dress Act of 1746 that banned men and boys from wearing the truis ("Trowse") outside of military service. The Dress Act lasted until 1782 when it was repealed under the reign of King George III.
The tartan truis or trousers date back to 1538 as a medieval style of woven tartan cloth trousers as a garment preferably used during the Highland winter where the kilt would be impractical in such cold weather. The word is triubhas in Scottish Gaelic. Truis or trews are anglicised spellings meaning trousers.
Traditional trews were form-fitting garments, similar to the footed hose of the Renaissance, from which they probably evolved. (However, Tacitus says that in 69 BCE, the Roman general, Caecina, was considered, by his wearing of the foreign trews when meeting with toga-clad Romans, to show indication of a haughty spirit.) They could be cut as Knee-breeches or full length.
I'd love to say
Do you love me, but
I'm as humble as a bumble bee
I'd walk away
If you come with me or
I may crumble
For all to see
I have the weather
On my side
Hey, by the way
Did you love me girl?
The words I mumble
As she leaves
I'll be okay
As long as you won't be burdened
You don't fumble
You don't grieve
You don't think whether
You don't think twice
You're so sober
You only broke me
You, only broke me
Yeah,you're so sober
You're so sober
You only broke me
You, only broke me
Yeah, you're so sober
Lay the blame
Make it worthy and
Sift through rubble
For debris
Cause nothings day begins
I'm noticing lately that the
When things trouble, we'll end the breeze
I have the weather
On my side
You're so sober
You only broke me
You, only broke me
Yeah, you're so sober
You're so sober
You only broke me
You, only broke me
Yeah, you're so sober
Is this over?
Or am I just crazy?
I'm not crazy
Yeah, you're so sober