Transformers Animated: The Game
Transformers Animated: The Game is a video game for the Nintendo DS handheld based on the Transformers television incarnation, Transformers: Animated.
The story is centered on the rogue factory robots and Space Bridge episodes that can be found in the animated series. The first half would have the player fighting the rogue security bots running amok in the Sumdac factories while the second half would have the Autobots follow Megatron through the Space Bridge and into Cybertron. The voice actors in the animated series also lent their voices to the characters in the video game.
While this game features three-dimensional characters and environments, it mostly plays on a two-dimensional plane where the characters move from left to right or up and down. Unlike other games based on the Transformers franchise, this one is mainly a puzzle game.
There are 25 levels in total that can be found in the game, and it has two main modes: race mode and mission mode. In race mode, the player can use either Bumblebee, Optimus Prime or Prowl to race against the enemies or transform to robot mode in order to throw projectiles into an enemy to destroy them.