Transform coding
Transform coding is a type of data compression for "natural" data like audio signals or photographic images. The transformation is typically lossy, resulting in a lower quality copy of the original input.
In transform coding, knowledge of the application is used to choose information to discard, thereby lowering its bandwidth. The remaining information can then be compressed via a variety of methods. When the output is decoded, the result may not be identical to the original input, but is expected to be close enough for the purpose of the application.
Colour Television
One of the most successful transform encoding system is typically not referred to as such—the example being NTSC color television. After an extensive series of studies in the 1950s, Alda Bedford showed that the human eye has high resolution only for black and white, somewhat less for "mid-range" colors like yellows and greens, and much less for colors on the end of the spectrum, reds and blues.
Using this knowledge allowed RCA to develop a system in which they discarded most of the blue signal after it comes from the camera, keeping most of the green and only some of the red; this is chroma subsampling in the YIQ color space.