Trans-Lux is a company that specializes in designing, selling, renting, installing and maintaining multi-color, real-time data and LED large-screen electronic information displays, but is primarily known as a major supplier of national stock ticker display devices for stock exchanges. These indoor and outdoor displays are used worldwide in many industries including financial, banking, gaming, corporate, retail, healthcare, sports and transportation.
Early history
The company was created by Percy Norman Furber, an Englishman, who moved to the United States in October 1918, after a time spent drilling for oil and mining quicksilver in Mexico. Furber was interested in developing a projection system that could be used in a lighted room, and enlisted the aid of a friend, Arthur Payne, a former employee of Thomas Edison. Payne hit upon the idea of rear projection; projecting an image through a screen rather than on it. However, this concept required a finer and more translucent material for the screen than any that currently existed.