As per Ahmedabad railway division officials, 25 trains were fully cancelled, 15 partially cancelled, five rescheduled, and six diverted due to the blocked track ... six diverted due to the blocked track.
softball, baseball and track and field ... In the boys' 110-meter hurdles, the junior finished with a time of 15.20 seconds earning in first place in the meet.AnnaWare, track and field, WestminsterChristian Academy-Opelousas.
... season, covering the week of March 10-15 in the Jacksonville area ... Here are the nominees for events from March 10-15.Amia Bethea, Union County girls track ... Kevian Feliciano, Bishop Snyder boys track.
The agency tracks unemployment among job seekers aged 15 to 64 and regularly reports this data to international labor organizations and the UN ...Egypt’s official statistics agency tracks unemployment ...
Two of the crossings will be crossovers, where I-15 will travel above the rail line ... To accommodate Brightline’s movement, I-15 northbound will be realigned to allow for the tracks to move back and forth.
Xcel reported three outages in the area just before 5 a.m. The power is estimated to be restored by 6.30 a.m. FOX31 Newsletters ... FindEnergy, a website that tracks power outages, said Colorado has the most power outages in the country as of 6.15 a.m ... .
READ MORE. Blink-182 at Reading Festival 2024 ... Saturday, September 14. ... Sunday, September 15. ... Springsteen headlined the annual New Jersey music bash on September 15, delivering a 30-track set spanning his extensive career and a select number of covers ... .
Tech (7-13, 4-2) missed a chance to distance itself more from a bad first month and join Arizona (18-5, 5-1) and Kansas State (15-8, 5-1) atop the conference standings ...Parish's showing Sunday could get him back on track.
Screenings jumped from 15% to 47% following the guideline update ... To see whether these guideline changes brought in more patients, researchers analyzed data from more than 17,000Americans who participated in a federal survey tracking U.S.
Cloud FinOps solutions help businesses automate expense tracking and assure effective resource allocation ... The company is on track to surpass $10 billion in annual revenue, with projections to reach $15 billion by 2026.
From April 7, first-class stamp prices for standard letters will rise from £1.65 to £1.70 - a three per cent increase - while first-class stamps for large letters will go up 21 per cent - by 55p from £2.60 to £3.15.
Junior Brayden Wright had 15.9 points and 7.8 rebounds per game ... The senior Grace track and field commit had eight games this year with double digit rebounds, including a 15-rebound game against Concord.
Batting leadoff, the senior went 4 for 4 with two doubles, two runs scored and a run batted in March 19 to give the 5A Lancers a 15-1 win over 6A Gresham in a nonleague road game.AidenKoroush, Monroe track and field.
The initial quake, registering 4 on the Richter scale, hit at 15.02, with its epicenter located 9 kilometers south-southwest of Arkesini, Amorgos, at a depth of 13.1 kilometers, as per the Geodynamic Institute’s revised data.