In mathematics, a principal homogeneous space, or torsor, for a group G is a homogeneous space X for G in which the stabilizer subgroup of every point is trivial. Equivalently, a principal homogeneous space for a group G is a non-empty set X on which G acts freely and transitively, meaning that for any x, y in X there exists a unique g in G such that x·g = y where · denotes the (right) action of G on X. An analogous definition holds in other categories where, for example,
If G is nonabelian then one must distinguish between left and right torsors according to whether the action is on the left or right. In this article, we will use right actions. To state the definition more explicitly, X is a G-torsor if X is nonempty and is equipped with a map (in the appropriate category) X × G → X such that
In algebraic geometry, given a smooth algebraic group G, a G-torsor or a principal G-bundle P over a scheme X is a scheme (or even algebraic space) with the action of G that is locally trivial in the given Grothendieck topology in the sense that the base change along "some" covering map
is the trivial torsor
(G acts only on the second factor). Equivalently, a G-torsor P on X is a principal homogeneous space for the group scheme
acts simply transitively on
The definition may be formulated in the sheaf-theoretic language: a sheaf P on the category of X-schemes with some Grothendieck topology is a G-torsor if there is a covering in the topology, called the local trivialization, such that the restriction of P to each
is a trivial
A line bundle is nothing but a -bundle, and, like a line bundle, the two points of views of torsors, geometric and sheaf-theoretic, are used interchangeably (by permitting P to be a stack like an algebraic space if necessary).
I like to smile
But I like to mostly stay with you
I like good times
But I can't feel this without you
By my song
The heart is in the place
I sing this song
Probably so
If I could sigh
I'd tell the world I'd felt with you
I like the time
I like the feeling when
I feel you in my arms
I'll take you in my hand
I'll let you go
Somebody save me
Somebody save me
Sing it
Sing my, sing my song
We sing the same old song loud
Smile...though your heart breaks in two
Touch me...when will I be with you
I like good times
But I can feel it's going wrong
You sing the same old song
Now I think it's time to get it right
Sing it out, sing out...
Sing this same old song
If I could swim, I'd swim in circles
If I could drown, I'd, I'd drown with you
If I had enough of my life
I can't tell
If I had enough of you