Gwar, often styled as GWAR, is an American heavy metal band formed in Richmond, Virginia, United States, in 1984, composed of and operated by a frequently rotating line-up of musicians, artists and filmmakers collectively known as Slave Pit Inc.
Easily identified by their distinctively grotesque costumes, Gwar's core thematic and visual concept revolves around an elaborate science fiction-themed mythology which portrays the band members as barbaric interplanetary warriors, a narrative which serves as the basis for all of the band's albums, videos, live shows and other media. Rife with over-the-top violent, sexual, and scatological humour typically incorporating social and political satire, Gwar have attracted both acclaim and controversy for their music and stage shows, the latter of which notoriously showcase enactments of graphic violence that result in the audience being sprayed with copious amounts of fake blood. Such stagecraft regularly leads Gwar to be labeled a "shock rock" band by the media.
Tormentor is a black metal band formed in 1986 in Budapest, Hungary. They recorded their first album, Anno Domini, in 1988, but were unable to release it until the end of communism. The album reached Norway through the tape-trading community. Following the suicide of Per Ohlin, Mayhem invited Attila Csihar from Tormentor to join the band; he was to perform the vocals on De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. Tormentor split up in 1991. After a long break they reformed and released the more experimental Recipe Ferrum through Avantgarde Music in 2001.
Tormentor (* 05.06.1972) is a black metal musician who is best known for his work as guitarist with the Norwegian black metal band Gorgoroth.
Tormentor joined Infernus in Gorgoroth in 1996, and participated as guitarist and songwriter on the two Gorgoroth albums Destroyer (1998) and Incipit Satan (2000), both albums released by Nuclear Blast. He toured with Gorgoroth both in Europe and South America. He left the band in 2002 due to no longer being able to cooperate with bassist King ov Hell, but returned for a one-off concert in Bergen, Norway, in 2003. In late 2007, after internal conflicts in Gorgoroth resulted in the departure of King and vocalist Gaahl, Infernus announced that Tormentor would assist him in the pre-production of the next Gorgoroth album, Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt. In September 2008, Tormentor officially rejoined Gorgoroth.
In addition to his work with Gorgoroth, in 2002 Tormentor was one of the founding members of Orcustus, together with Taipan, Infernus, and Dirge Rep. After releasing a demo and two 7" vinyl singles, Orcustus' debut full-length album was released in 2009 by Southern Lord Records.
Tormentor is a single by the band Skinny Puppy from their album Too Dark Park.
Born into the fog of war
It left a scar
He watched his family turn to sludge
He was appalled, they often are
Here are the skulls of the vanquished
Here are the weapons he used
The more strength you have, the more that he hates you
You must be consumed
This is his story
Festooned with glory
This is history
It's not a sin
Festooned with finery
You'll find him in the winery
Festooned with filigree
These are the maggots in the wounds
Tor... (He is Tormentor)
Mentor... (Tormentor)
Attack-or... (He is Attack-or)
(Tormentor) Tor... Tor... Tor...
You must retaliate
He moves
His armor crinkles like a ferrous dinosaur
That sound is the sound of his armor
Here are the skulls of the vanquished
Here are the weapons he used
The stronger you are, the more that he hates you
You will be consumed
Festooned with filigree
This is history
This is his story
An allegory
Tor... (He is Tormentor)
Mentor... (Tormentor)
Attack-or... (He is Attack-or)
(Tormentor) Tor... Tor... Tor...
Tor... (He is Tormentor)
Mentor... (Tormentor)
Attack-or... (He is Attack-or)
Tormentor (Tormentor) Tor... Tor... Tor...
It is said he once cracked a smile
It was said his blood was made of bile
It is said his thews are mighty
It is said his views are righty
His loins heave with sap