TopWare Interactive
TopWare Interactive is a video game publisher and developer located in Karlsruhe, Germany. It is best known for publishing the Two Worlds series, which was created by Reality Pump Studios.
TopWare Interactive was started in 1995 as a video game publishing subsidiary of TopWare CD Service AG based in Mannheim, Germany— which included two inhouse development studios, ToonTRAXX and TopWare Programy, which was later renamed to Reality Pump Studios based in Poland. In February 2001, TopWare CD Service AG' filed for bankruptcy. All rights, including both development studios, were acquired by Zuxxez Entertainment AG.
The company was resurrected by Zuxxez in 2005. In 2011, Zuxxez officially changed its name back to TopWare Interactive, thus completely abandoning the Zuxxez brand. Topware Interactive AG's American company, Topware Interactive Inc., revealed that it was developing Battle vs. Chess to be published by SouthPeak Games. Interplay Entertainment sued and won an injunction to stop sales in the United States. In February 2012, Interplay won the case by default and a settlement was agreed on 15 November 2012. Terms of the settlement were $200,000 plus interest.