Anthony Francis Piet, born Anthony Francis Pietruszka (December 7, 1906 – December 1, 1981) was an infielder in Major League Baseball from 1931 to 1938. He played for the Pittsburgh Pirates, Cincinnati Reds, Chicago White Sox, and Detroit Tigers.
An all-around player, Piet was second in the National League in stolen bases (19) in 1932, and played the most games (154) of any player in the NL that year. In 1933, his batting average (.323) was the third highest in the NL. After retiring from baseball, he went on to found a car dealership in Chicago, whose slogan was "Shop for it anywhere, you'll buy it at Piet".
wheN everythiNg seems to Drive me fAr AwAy
wheN everyoNe clAim to strAighteN my miND
I keep my thought iN the uNcoNscious’ Depths
from where A DAy everythiNg will rise As mist
the fog is hiDiNg my weAk AND coNfuseD will
I cANNot feel the surrouNDiNg bAfflemeNt
I cAN’t AppreheND whAt’s hAppeNiNg iN my miND
I’m oNly sure everythiNg will rise As mist
I’ll rise like fog
which pierce your fAte