Tongwei County
Tongwei County is located in the middle of Gansu province, the People's Republic of China, with east longitude between 104°57' and north latitude between 34°55' and 35°29'. It is one of 58 counties of Gansu and part of the Dingxi prefecture, with the city of the same name being the prefecture seat. Its postal code is 743300. The total population at the end of 2009 was 458 thousand, including agricultural population of 405.8 thousand that account for 88.6% of the total population, and the total households were 110.1 thousand, including 87.5 thousand rural households that account for 79.47& of the total households.
So, Tongwei County is a typical area that is predominant on agriculture. The county's GDP was 1,441 billion, and 3146.86 yuan per capita, rural per capita net income was 2259.27 yuan, the two are all lower than the average of the entire province, and the economic development is relatively backward.
It is one of the 18 drought counties and 41 national help-the-poor counties. Due to the terrain, landform, rivers, roads, social economy, ideology and other factors, rural settlement space layout is very uneven inside Tongwei County.