Tomohiro Okada
Tomohiro Okada (岡田智博) is an interdisciplinary creative and innovation developer, researcher, and policy maker, Director of Creative Cluster. Since 1995 he nas been active in electronic media and creative innovation in Japan especially promoting young talent in new media art, interaction design as a researcher, producer, curator, writer and organizer of numerous intercreative productions, and policy designs for government and institutions for economic and industry and culture affairs. He has maden veorious policy paper for art and creative and civil development of veorious local govaments and agencys, lectured and held positions at various universities, and participated in conferences and symposia, and has worked as a consultant.
As a curator and producer Tomohiro OKADA created Fantasista series (2005- Evolution Cafe, Electrical Fantasista, Creative Fantasista), the crucial independent new talent media art and innovative design exhibition, certification of "Emerging people in the field of Media Arts - 2010. Agency for Cultural Affairs (JAPAN)", "Cultural Promotiong Project - 2010 (Fine art). Tokyo Metropolitan Government". Tokyo Art Beat magazine signed most wanted art show in Tokyo, 2008 summer, by online reader voting.