Famous quotes by Tom Coburn:
"They [Congress] didn't fix the right problem. It was done for political purposes. It is a dreadful bill [Medicare prescription-drug bill]. It made problems worse, not better."
"Social Security and Medicare represent promises made and we must keep these commitments."
"I believe keeping our promises should be our highest priority and that means saving Social Security and Medicare while preserving the American dream for our children and grandchildren."
"And I thought I would just share with you what science says today about silicone breast implants. If you have them, you're healthier than if you don't. In fact, there's no science that shows that silicone breast implants are detrimental and, in fact, they make you healthier."
"I know the tribal issues. I was a congressman where most of the Indians are in this state. The problem is that most of them aren't Indians. The average Cherokee quantum is 1/512."
"Lesbianism is so rampant in some of the schools in southeast Oklahoma that they'll only let one girl go to the bathroom. Now think about it. Think about that issue. How is it that that's happened to us?"
"You have to be courageous to not spend money, ... and we don't have many people who have that courage."
"We are in essence, through an American taxpayers' loan, subsidizing the Chinese to take more of our technology,"
"All this is confirmation we will see breakthroughs without compromising ethical standards. We're not going to have to go that way if we can just be patient and fund the basic science."
"If you have somebody first of all who has that connection with their personal faith and their allegiance to the law, you don't get into the Roe v. Wade situation."
"I believe all life has value, from conception to natural death. And I believe the intentional taking of human life, except to save lives, should be a capital offense, as it is in most states in America today."
"We need real leadership, Democrat, Republican and independent to stand up and say, we have to live within our means."