Tolmides, (Greek: Τολμίδης), son of Tolmaeus, was a leading Athenian general of the First Peloponnesian War. He rivalled Pericles and Myronides for the military leadership of Athens during the 450's and early 440's BC.
In 455 BC Tolmides was given command of a fleet and a force of 4,000 soldiers in order to sail round the coasts of the Peloponnesus attacking the Spartans and their allies. Tolmides seized the city of Methone in Messenia but was then forced to abandon it due to the arrival of a Spartan force. He attacked the chief Spartan port of Gytheion and burnt the dockyards. He also attacked the island of Cythera.
Tolmides made an alliance with Zacynthus, an island in the Ionian Sea, and sailing into the Gulf of Corinth he took the Corinthian colony of Chalcis on the northern coast of the gulf and then seized Naupactus in Ozolian Locris and settled refugees from Messenia there who would act as Athenian allies in a strategic location. He also landed in the territory of Sicyon and defeated a force of hoplites sent against him.
Metsa lksid sa,
sinna jda sa ei saa,
kskord pead sealt
ikka vlja tulema.
Metsa lksin ma,
metsa oli kauge maa,
ega linnas saagi
metsi olema.
Sina olid metsast tulemas
mina olin metsa minemas,
tee peal juttu puhusime,
mhas mets meis mlemas,
hea, et mets on olemas
Sina olid metsast tulemas
mina olin metsa minemas,
tee peal juttu puhusime,
mhas mets meis mlemas,
hea, et mets on olemas
Metsa lksid sa,
sinna jda sa ei saa,
kui sind metsa sisse
ei istutata
Metsa lksin ma,
metsa oli kauge maa,
tee pl kokku sime
meie sinuga.
Metsa lksid sa,
mhisevasse metsa,
lksid tuulutama,
nrve puhkama.
Metsa lksin ma,
metsast tulid vlja sa.
Teadsin, metsast pead sa
vlja tulema!
Tule metsa, mine metsa!
Hoia metsa, metsa, metsa!
Et me mets ei saaks otsa!
Et me mets ei lheks metsa!
Tule metsa, mine metsa!
Hoia metsa, metsa, metsa!
Et me mets ei saaks otsa!
Et me mets ei lheks
mets ei lheks metsa!