On September 18, 2014, Staples announced that he would resign by mid-November to become president of the Texas Oil & Gas Association, following a controversy surrounding his views on a "Meatless Monday" campaign being adopted by some Texas schools.
The Good EarthCafé had been a staple of downtown Holland for decades prior to its reopening at the Towers ...The new location was meant to allow the café to “grow with the community for the next 20 years,” Todd Girdis said last year.
It is part three in a four-part series ... The Texas oil and natural gas industry already has been “actively implementing measures to identify and lower emissions,” ToddStaples, president of the Texas Oil and GasAssociation, told The CenterSquare ... ....
STAPLES — Students from schools in Cass, CrowWing, Morrison, Todd, and Wadena counties will take the stage on Wednesday, March 19, at Sourcewell in Staples for the 2025 RegionalSpelling Bee... Students are in grades 3-8. Students arrive at 12.30 p.m ... .
“President Trump will treat oil and natural gas as an asset, not a liability, and domestic energy production and jobs will be prioritized,” ToddStaples, head of the TexasOil and GasAssociation, told reporters in January.