Tmcft, (Tmc ft), (TMC), (tmc), is the abbreviation for one thousand million cubic feet (1,000,000,000 = 109 = 1 billion), commonly used in reference to volume of water in a reservoir
or river flow.
1 tmcft. is equivalent to:
1,000,000,000 cubic feet (28,000,000 m3)
28,316,846,592 liters
2.83168466×107 cubic metres
22,956.841139 acre feet
7.48051945×109U.S. gallons
Alternatively, 35.32 tmcft = 1 cubic Km (cubic Km is the standard unit used by Central Water Commission of Government of India for reporting gross and effective storage capacities of dams in India in National Register of Large Dams- NRLD)