Tiye was an Ancient Egyptian queen of the twentieth dynasty; a secondary wife of Ramesses III, against whom she instigated a conspiracy.
Tiye is known from the Judicial Papyrus of Turin, which recorded that there was a harem conspiracy against Ramesses, in which several people in high positions in the pharaoh's government were involved. The conspirators wanted to kill the king and place Tiye's son Pentawer on the throne, instead of the appointed heir, Ramesses IV who was the son of one of the king's two chief wives, Tyti. The conspirators were caught, brought to trial, and several of them, including Pentawer, were forced to commit suicide. It is not known what happened to Tiye. It is also unknown whether Ramesses III fell victim to the conspiracy or died of other causes, although in 2011 it was determined that his throat had been slit, but his successor was his appointed heir, Ramesses IV.
Tiye (c. 1398 BC – 1338 BC, also spelled Taia, Tiy and Tiyi) was the daughter of Yuya and Tjuyu (also spelled Thuyu). She became the Great Royal Wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III. She was the mother of Akhenaten and grandmother of Tutankhamun. Her mummy was identified as "The Elder Lady" found in the tomb of Amenhotep II (KV35) in 2010.
Tiye's father, Yuya, was a non-royal, wealthy landowner from the Upper Egyptian town of Akhmin, where he served as a priest and superintendent of oxen or commander of the chariotry. Tiye's mother, Thuya, was involved in many religious cults, as her different titles attested (Singer of Hathor, Chief of the Entertainers of both Amun and Min...), which suggests that she was a member of the royal family.
Egyptologists have suggested that Tiye's father, Yuya, was of foreign origin due to the features of his mummy and the many different spellings of his name, which might imply it was a non-Egyptian name in origin. Some suggest that the queen's strong political and unconventional religious views might have been due not just to a strong character, but to foreign descent.
Tiye, also spelled Tiy, Tiyi, Tiya was an ancient Egyptian name; according to Aldred, the pet name for Nefertari. Its notable bearers were:
"Tiy" is also an online moniker used by Finn Bruce, the founder of Chucklefish Games.