The t-rune ᛏ is named after Týr, and was identified with this god. The reconstructed Proto-Germanic name is *Tîwaz or *Teiwaz.
Tiwaz is mentioned in all three rune poems. In the Icelandic and Norwegian poems, the rune is associated with the god Týr.
Multiple Tiwaz runes either stacked atop one another to resemble a tree-like shape, or repeated after one another, appear several times in Germanic paganism:
According to the runologist Lars Magnar Enoksen, the Tiwaz rune is referred to in a stanza in Sigrdrífumál, a poem in the Poetic Edda.
Týr (/ˈtɪr/;Old Norse: Týr [tyːr]) is a god associated with law and heroic glory in Norse mythology, portrayed as one-handed. Corresponding names in other Germanic languages are Gothic Teiws, Old English Tīw and Old High German Ziu and Cyo, all from Proto-Germanic *Tīwaz. The Latinised name is Tius or Tio.
In the late Icelandic Eddas, Tyr is portrayed, alternately, as the son of Odin (Prose Edda) or of Hymir (Poetic Edda), while the origins of his name and his possible relationship to Tuisto (see Tacitus' Germania) suggest he was once considered the father of the gods and head of the pantheon, since his name is ultimately cognate to that of *Dyeus (cf. Dyaus), the reconstructed chief deity in Indo-European religion. It is assumed that Tîwaz was overtaken in popularity and in authority by both Odin and Thor at some point during the Migration Age, as Odin shares his role as God of war.
Týr is a god of war and will take mead, meat and blood for sacrifice. If a warrior carved the rune Tîwaz on his weapon he would be dedicating it to Týr and strengthen the outcome of a battle to be in his favor. After a warrior has dedicated his weapon to Týr he should not lose it or break it. Tiw was equated with Mars in the interpretatio germanica. Tuesday is in fact "Tīw's Day" (also in Alemannic Zischtig from zîes tag), translating dies Martis.
Sister love, why don't you break it up?
You got to let someone look into your heart
Sister love, how do you keep it up?
If you don't let no-one look into your heart
As a kid, you couldn't live it up
You were so serious but always so smart
As a kid, you couldn't keep it up
And we were never close, so much apart
Here comes the sun smiling
How long have you been blue?
There'd ever be a time for us to recapture
All the time we lose
There was a time when you were being so proud
Could have been anythin' that you aspired
There was a time when you were never around
When somethin' good happened, somethin' good happened right
So sister love, I'll help you off the ground
You got to let someone look into your heart
You got to turn this situation around
You got to turn this, turn it around
Here comes the sun smiling
How long have you been blue?
There'd ever be a time for us to recapture
All the time we lose
'Cause it's plain to see
A storm is not the weather
And I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
7 days you should be givin' yourself
All your belongings, all that you treasure
7 weeks you think of nobody else
Is this what you want, is this what you are?
How did it come this far?
Here comes the sun smilin'
The only thing that's true
There'd ever be a time for us to recapture
All the time we lose
'Cause it's plain to see
A storm is not the weather
And I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
And I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
And I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
And I'm telling you girl