Mayan most commonly refers to:
Mayan or Mayan may also refer to:
The Mayan languages form a language family spoken in Mesoamerica and northern Central America. Mayan languages are spoken by at least 6 million Maya peoples, primarily in Guatemala, Mexico, Belize and Honduras. In 1996, Guatemala formally recognized 21 Mayan languages by name, and Mexico recognizes eight more within their territory.
The Mayan language family is one of the best-documented and most studied in the Americas. Modern Mayan languages descend from the Proto-Mayan language, thought to have been spoken at least 5000 years ago; it has been partially reconstructed using the comparative method.
Mayan languages form part of the Mesoamerican language area, an area of linguistic convergence developed throughout millennia of interaction between the peoples of Mesoamerica. All Mayan languages display the basic diagnostic traits of this linguistic area. For example, all use relational nouns instead of prepositions to indicate spatial relationships. They also possess grammatical and typological features that set them apart from other languages of Mesoamerica, such as the use of ergativity in the grammatical treatment of verbs and their subjects and objects, specific inflectional categories on verbs, and a special word class of "positionals" which is typical of all Mayan languages.
MaYaN is a Dutch symphonic death metal band founded by vocalist Mark Jansen, keyboardist Jack Driessen and guitarist Frank Schiphorst. The name of the band was chosen by Jansen out of his fascination for the ancient Maya civilization.
On September 6th, 2013, Nuclear Blast released a press statement that confirmed that Laura Macrì and Henning Basse, who were guest and tour members for the first album, have become full-time members.
Mayan (or Mayan EDMS) is a web-based free/libre document management system for managing documents within an organization. All functionality is available in its free public version. It has an active community of volunteers and third-party service and support providers.
Its largest installation as of June 2012 is Puerto Rico's main permit agency (20,000+ documents).
Mayan started as a project whose only requirement was the storage of PDF files for a government agency transitioning to an all electronic registration process and has grown into a general system since then.
It is designed to be easy to migrate to different physical computers. It is written in Python using the Django framework. Features include document versioning,electronic signature verification, multilingual support, discussion tools, user-defined metadata and unique identifiers, and roles support.
Mayan EDMS was featured on the free software / open source (FLOSS) themed podcast FLOSS Weekly episode 253 aired on May 29, 2013.
I don't know why I like him, I just only know I do
I don't know why I trust him, I just know his heart is true
I don't know why he's more a man than any man I know
I don't know how I know the man's for real but I still know
The man is more than what meets the eye
He is worn and weary from life
He is rugged but he's got style
The man has got what matters inside
Weary, yes he must get weary but he doesn't say
But you can read between the lines that wind along his face
The man has got his memories that he hides inside his mind
And you can see the sadness in the eyes they hide behind
The man is more than what meets the eye
He is worn and weary from life
He is rugged but he's got style
The man has got what matters inside
Love him, yes I've always loved him and I always will
He holds a place in my heart no one else could ever fill
He's always been my hero, the best friend I've ever had
The man is something special and I'm proud that he's my dad
The man is more than what meets the eye
He is worn and weary from life
He is rugged but he's got style