Titans Tower
Titans Tower is a fictional building in the DC Comics universe. Its various incarnations have been home to the superhero team called the Titans. Although the location and actual look of the tower has changed throughout the various series, there are a few defining characteristics, such as always being shaped to resemble the letter "T".
First tower
The first tower was built by Cyborg's father, Dr. Silas Stone, after his son's accident. It was sited on an island in the East River, New York City. This tower was used as the headquarters for the team throughout The New Teen Titans and New Titans series. At one point, it was destroyed by Trigon, but rebuilt to Dr. Stone's design with some enhancements. It was eventually and ultimately destroyed by the Wildebeest Society in New Titans #76 (June 1991). Because the Titans had fallen out of favor with the local authorities, the tower was not rebuilt.
Second tower
The second tower was built in the same location by Cyborg himself in the JLA/Titans miniseries. It was not an actual tower, but a hologram, with the real headquarters far beneath the ground. This was done to confuse supervillains and to keep them from attacking the real base. It was the team's base during the 1999–2002 Titans series, before being destroyed by a villain named Epsilon. This incarnation of the team disbanded before the headquarters could be rebuilt.