Thihathura Tin Aung Myint Oo (Burmese: တင်အောင်မြင့်ဦး [tɪ̀ɴ àʊɴ mjɪ̰ɴ ʔú]; born 29 May 1950) was one of the Vice Presidents of Myanmar. He is also chairman of Burmese Trade Council, having been appointed in November 2007 by Than Shwe, in response to Saffron Revolution demonstrations in October of that year, and Minister of Military Affairs. He resigned his Vice President post in May 2012. He joined the Buddhist monkhood on 3 May, after speculation over his disappearance had circulated throughout new media.
He graduated from the 12th intake of the Defence Services Academy and subsequently earned the title "Thihathura" in 1980 for fighting the Communist Party of Burma. He was nominated into the State Peace and Development Council in 2007 as Secretary (1), replacing Thein Sein, and was promoted to general in March 2009.
In the Burmese general election, 2010, he contested the Pobbathiri Township constituency and won a seat in the Pyithu Hluttaw, reportedly winning 90.57% of the votes. Tin Aung Myint Oo was sworn in as a Vice-President on 30 March 2011, along with Sai Mauk Kham and thereafter vacated his parliamentary seat. He is one of the wealthiest members in the former SPDC, and is well known for close ties with Zaw Zaw, a Burmese tycoon. He formerly served as the chairman of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings (UMEHL), an conglomerate owned by the Burmese military.
Aung Myint (Burmese: အောင်မြင့်, pronounced: [ʔàʊɴ mjɪ̰ɴ]; born 27 October 1946) is a Burmese painter and performance artist. He is considered a pioneer in experimental art, rejecting traditional romanticism and confronting social and critical issues through a range of distinctive styles and media.
Aung Myint was born on 27 October 1946, and attended the Rangoon Arts and Science University, graduating in 1968 with a major in Psychology. A self-taught painter, Aung Myint began to exhibit his work in the 1960s. He became a leading figure in Yangon's contemporary art scene. Aung Myint co-founded The Inya Gallery of Art. In 1995, he made his first stage performance with the work Beginning n End. Aung Myint had his first solo exhibition in his Inya Gallery of Art in 1994, and since then has held many more in Yangon. He has also had solo exhibitions in Tokyo, Germany, Singapore and New York. He co-authored the book Myanmar Contemporary Art 1 with Aung Min.