
Flans is an all-female Mexican group, which enjoyed popularity from the mid-1980s to the early 1990s. Its members were the singers Ivonne Margarita Guevara García, Ilse María Olivo Schweinfurth and Irma Angélica Hernández Ochoa. They were generally known as Ivonne, Ilse, and Mimí.



The three girls were initially cast in the mid-1980s for a TV show to be called Fans, which was to feature chats and sing-alongs with guest stars. When plans for the show fell through, a project was started to turn the girls into a pop music sensation. The group was renamed Flans and their first album, Flans, was launched in 1985. Their style was mainly pop music and ballads although one of their albums (Cuéntamelo Dum-Dum) was somewhat child-oriented.

First breakup

The group released a new album every year until 1991 when they separated, with a national tour and the release of their "last" album: Adiós. After their separation, Ivonne married and devoted herself to painting; Mimí and Ilse started solo careers, with Mimí also being the host for a TV show.




by: Flans

Era mitad del verano
en un rineón junto al mar
y yo soñaba en la playa
con el hombre ideal
Tenía tantos galanes
loquitos todos por mí
atletas esculturales
para poder elegir
Pero el flechazo tardó en llegar
un chico timido algo especial
ojos azules me enamorarás
Tímido búscame
te invito una copa en el mar
tímido atrévete
a que hora podemos quedar
Tímido mírame
sé que te empiezo a gustar
tímido quédate
no voy a dejarte escapar
Hubo una fiesta esa noche
y apareció con un frac
yo me mordía los labios
qué padre, qué tal
Tímido sí timido
tí mido si timido
Luego en un rato bailamos
tocando la oscuridad
creo que me has hechizado
vamos al puerto a nadar
Tímido sí timido
tímido sí timido
La luna nos sorprendió en el mar
un solo beso y fue fatal
se convirtió en estatua de sal
Tímido búscame etc
