Timeline of Jainism
This article describes a Timeline of Jainism, a religion practiced mainly by about five million people in India.
The views regarding Origins of Jainism are disputed among various scholars. Jains believe their religion to be ever-existing, having no origin and end. It is occasionally forgotten by humans and revived by a succession of tirthankara.
The existence of Parshvanatha (c. 877 – c. 777 BCE), the twenty-third tirthankara, is the earliest Jain leader now accepted as a historical figure.
The existence of Mahavira, the last tirthankara, is known because of his mention by Jaina and Buddhist scriptures. Mahavira was a reformer of Jain faith which was probably founded by Parshvanatha.Neminatha was the predecessor of Parshvanatha and 22nd Tirthankara of the Jain tradition. In 1890-91, Kankali Tila (a mound) at Mathura was excavated by Dr. Fuhrer. After studying the findings of this excavation, Dr. Fuhrer was of the view that Neminatha was a historical figure. The Bhagavata Purana, an ancient Hindu text, mentions Rishabha, the first Jain tirthankara. Various seals from Indus Valley Civilization bear resemblance to Rishabha and extensive use of the symbol of Bull might show the prevalence of Jainism in Indus Valley Civilization. The presence of Jainism in ancient India is supported by scholars like Dr. Radha Kumud Mookerji, Gustav Roth, Prof. A. Chakravarti, Prof. Ram Prasad Chanda, T. N. Ramchandran, I. Mahadevan and Kamta Prasad Jain. Recently, Acharya Vidyanaji claimed the prevalence of Jainism in ancient India c. 3000 BCE through detailed research on various artifacts, seals and other relics from Indus Valley Civilization. Another noted indologist, Hermann Jacobi writes: