A time-invariant (TIV) system is a system whose output does not depend explicitly on time. Such systems are regarded as a class of systems in the field of system analysis. Lack of time dependence is captured in the following mathematical property of such a system:
This property can be satisfied if the transfer function of the system is not a function of time except expressed by the input and output.
In the context of a system schematic, this property can also be stated as follows:
If a time-invariant system is also linear, it is the subject of LTI system theory (linear time-invariant) with direct applications in NMR spectroscopy, seismology, circuits, signal processing, control theory, and other technical areas. Nonlinear time-invariant systems lack a comprehensive, governing theory. Discrete time-invariant systems are known as shift-invariant systems. Systems which lack the time-invariant property are studied as time-variant systems.
To demonstrate how to determine if a system is time-invariant, consider the two systems: