Flavius Timasius (died 396) was a general of the Roman Empire, a relative of the Empress Aelia Flaccilla, wife of Emperor Theodosius I (r. 379–395).
Timasius was a Roman officer, serving under the command of Emperor Valens (r. 364–378), who survived the Battle of Adrianople (378), in which the Roman emperor lost his life. Emperor Theodosius I (r. 379–395) appointed Timasius magister equitum in 386 and magister peditum in 388. During his tenure as magister militum praesentalis (386–395), Timasius was made a Roman consul, along with Promotus, in 389. In 391, he followed Theodosius in the campaign against the barbarians in Macedonia. In that same year, Theodosius was on the verge of annihilating some barbarian units that were hiding in Roman territory when Timasius told him that the troops needed food and rest; the Roman soldiers, numbed into a slumber by too much food and drink, were taken by surprise and even Theodosius was almost taken prisoner. When Theodosius returned to Constantinople, there was a clash between Timasius and his colleague Promotus and the powerful Rufinus; Theodosius sided with Rufinus, who arranged for Promotus's death.
do you miss me when you smile?
do you miss me when i'm gone?
and your pictures are pinned up on my wall
so you're here all the time
all of the time
and i know you like guitar
when it's played like this
like this
then i'm coming home [3x]
i miss you, baby [4x]