Reach may refer to:
A reach is a general term for a length of a stream or river, usually suggesting a level, uninterrupted stretch. The beginning and ending points may be selected for geographic, historical or other reasons - and may be based on landmarks such as gauging stations, river miles, natural features, and topography.
A reach may also be an expanse, or widening, of a stream or river channel. This commonly occurs after the river or stream is dammed. A reach is similar to an arm. The term "reach" can also refer to:
As of 2015, the US Board on Geographic Names records 334 place names in the US with the characterization of a named "reach".
Park Jung-suk, also known as Reach or [Oops]Reach (born 27 December 1983) is a professional South Korean StarCraft player.
Park, who also goes by the usernames Six_Devil_nO.1, ChoGoSy or TechniCal, is recognized as one of the best Protoss players in the world, an accomplishment for which he has been nicknamed "Hero Toss". He is skillful at macromanagement and does successful psionic storms and dragoon dancing, but plays relatively inconsistently against Zerg. He won the 2002 Sky Ongamenet StarLeague, beating SlayerS `BoxeR` with a 3-1 score. He uses a Logitech optical mini (a gift from his fanclub) and Samsung DT-35 Black keyboard.
Park was the first player to achieve 100 Proleague victories, an accomplishment commemorated when he and Lee Jaedong (the second player to reach that benchmark) formed prints of their mouse-controlling hands in clay in a September 2009 ceremony.
Park is now a coach for League of Legends and Tekken team NaJin e-mFire in Korea.
Lawn cloth or lawn is a plain weave textile, originally of linen but now chiefly cotton. Lawn is designed using fine, high count yarns, which results in a silky, untextured feel. The fabric is made using either combed or carded yarns. When lawn is made using combed yarns, with a soft feel and slight luster, it is known as "nainsook". The term lawn is also used in the textile industry to refer to a type of starched crisp finish given to a cloth product. The finish can be applied to a variety of fine fabrics, prints or plain.
Lawn is a lightweight, sheer cloth, crisper than voile but not as crisp as organdy. Lawn is known for its semi-transparency, which can range from gauzy or sheer to an almost opaque effect, known as lining or utility lawn. The finish used on lawn ranges from soft to semi-crisp to crisp, but the fabric is never completely stiff. Lawn can be white, or may be dyed or printed.
The term "lawn" derives from "Laon", a city in France, which produced large quantities of linen lawn.
A lawn is an area of land planted with grass and sometimes clover and other plants, which are maintained at a low, even height.
Lawn may also refer to:
People named Lawn:
Tidy is an album by Kinnie Starr, released in 1996 on Violet Inch Records.
It's Maine...
And it's Autumn
The birches have just begun turning
It's life and it's dying
The lobstermen's boats come returning
With the catch of they day in their holds
and the young boys cold and complaining
The fog meets the beaches and out on
the Reach it is raining --
It's father and son
It's the way it's been done since the
old days
It's hauling by hand ten miles out
from the land where their chow waits
All the days get so lonely and long
and seas grow so stormy and strong but
The Reach will sing welcome as homeward
they hurry along.
And the morning will
blow away
As the waves crash and fall
And the Reach like a siren sings
as she beckons and calls
As the coastline recedes from view
And the seas swell and roll
I will take from the Reach
all that she has to teach
To the depths of my soul --
The wind brings a chill
There's a frost on the sill in the morning
It creeps through the door
At the edge of the shore
ice is forming
Soon the northers will bluster and blow
And the woods will be whitened
with snowfall
And the Reach will lie frozen
for the lost and unchosen to row --
And the morning will
blow away
As the waves crash and fall
And the Reach like a siren sings
as she beckons and calls
As the coastline recedes from view
And the seas swell and roll
I will take from the Reach
all that she has to teach