A three-decker is a sail warship which carried her guns on three fully armed decks. Usually additional guns were carried on the upper works (forecastle and quarterdeck), but this was not a continuous battery and so did not count. Three-deckers were usually "ships of the line", i.e. of sufficient strength to participate in the line of battle, and in the rating system of the Royal Navy were generally classed as first or second rate, although from the mid-1690s until the 1750s the larger third rates were also three-deckers.
Respect of a patriotic community
Three-deckers held special respect among the local community and the troops who farewelled these ships when they left the harbour. Such patriotism was expressed when HMS Britannia left Portsmouth bound for active service in the Mediterranean, in October 1840:
a three-story dwelling with an apartment on each floor, also known as a triple-decker
a pulpit on three levels, with different usages during a church service for each level, often found in 18th-century churches in England and restorations dating to that time.
In food:
a sandwich that consists of three pieces of bread and two layers of filling, also known as a triple-decker
In naval history:
Three-decker, a wooden ship having three decks, especially one of a class of sail-powered warships with guns on three decks
a series of three dramas or literary works or sometimes three musical compositions that are closely related and develop a single theme, also known as a trilogy or a triple-decker
The Air Force had paused the program last summer due to soaring cost projections that put the price of the sixth-gen fighter at three times the cost of an F-35, Defense One’s Audrey Decker reported two weeks ago ... Read more from Decker, here.
The father-of-three had been managing multimillion-dollar projects and using detailed spreadsheets for the better part of his career, but for the past five years, he'd been finding things increasingly challenging.
The creator of the labyrinth was also the man behind 'The ManEngine' - a 33ft construction - three times the size of a double decker bus that walked for two-weeks across 130 miles of mining heritage.
For a third consecutive season, Vicksburg was crowned WolverineConference champions ... Vicksburg finished with the most all-conference selections (5), while Paw Paw grabbed four ... DaniGlass, Three Rivers ... Jennaya Decker, Three Rivers ... 6 ... Three Rivers 5-9.
... of tea or fizz, has since sparked an entire industry - with five-star hotels, rustic farm tearooms and tourist double-decker buses all wooing us with three tiers of treats and a loose leaf brew.
About three years ago, Decker – who was an avid soccer player – didn’t have any interest in running ... “That’s something you’re not going to get from three weeks of official practice,” Hildebrand said ...
Gardner also has juvenile “violent” adjudications and was sent to the StateTraining School in Eldora, released in 2022, but then three months later got involved in McCune’s fatal shooting, Decker pointed out.
3 in Saratoga Springs for aggravated unlicensed operation in the second degree per three or more open suspensions on three or more separate dates ...Cajun Decker, 24, of GreenfieldCenter was arrested at 2.02 a.m.
It took nearly three-quarters of an OT period to break the tie, as Decker scored with 5.22 to go in the extra period, with assists from RochesterCentury grad Aiden Emerich and former La Crescent-Hokah High School star NoahGillette.
As he reflected on his three decades of coaching, he remembered something that Decker told him when Maloney first got into coaching as one of Decker's assistants ... The three-game series will start at 3 p.m.
Since January 2024, at least 15 people have perished in fatal collisions with double-deckers - with the latest smash taking place in Harrow just two weeks ago ... 'I had a line of cocaine about three days ago.'.
... ended with a three-point UCLA advantage ... Alongside the two block leaders, McQuiggan poured in three, while Rama and redshirt sophomore opposite hitter David Decker registered pairs of their own.