Thomas Hull may refer to:
Thomas Hull (by 1528-75/76) was an English politician.
Hull was originally a clothier, probably from Devizes. The identity of Hull's wife is unrecorded, but they had five sons and one daughter.
Hull was a Member of Parliament for Devizes, Wiltshire in 1553, 1554, 1555 and 1558. He was Mayor of Devizes 1554-1555.
Thomas Hull (1728–1808) was an English actor and dramatist.
Born in 1728 in Strand, London, where his father practised as an apothecary, he was educated at Charterhouse School, with a view to a career in the church. He made an unsuccessful attempt to follow his father's profession.
According to Biographia Dramatica, Hull first appeared at the Smock Alley Theatre in Dublin; and then moved on to Bath, Somerset, where he managed the theatre for John Palmer. His first recorded appearance was, however, at Covent Garden Theatre, 5 October 1759, as Elder Wou'dbe in George Farquhar's Twin Rivals. At Covent Garden Hull stayed without a break, apparently, till the end of his career, a period of forty-eight years. He was the original Harpagus in John Hoole's Cyrus (3 December 1768), Edwin in William Mason's Elfrida (21 November 1772), Pizarro in Arthur Murphy's Alzuma (23 February 1773), Mador in Mason's Caractacus (6 December 1776), Sir Hubert in Hannah More's Percy (10 December 1777), and Mr. Shandy in Leonard McNally's Tristram Shandy (26 April 1783).
So early, so early, so early one mornin'
As I was walkin' down the street
As those cold drops of rain were fallin'
This fair maiden I chanced to meet.
Good mornin', good mornin' my pretty little damsel
Do you think that you could fancy me?
Oh no, my fancy's on a brisk young farmer
Who has lately crossed the sea.
Oh, describe him, oh, describe him
Pray describe him unto me
Perhaps, some time, Lord, I might have seen him
Since I've lately crossed the sea.
Oh, he was tall and fair and handsome
He was honest, brave and kind
He had black hair, an' he wore it shingled
Oh , those pretty blue eyes were mine.
Yes, I saw him and I knew him
And his name was Thomas Hall
I saw a French cannon ball shot through him
Oh, the death that he did fall.
Surely, surely you're mistaken
Surely, surely, you are he
Just to convince you of this matter