The Watcher in the Woods is a 1980 American horror film directed by John Hough, and starring Bette Davis, Carroll Baker, Lynn-Holly Johnson, Kyle Richards, and David McCallum. Based on the 1976 novel of the same name by Florence Engel Randall, the film tells the story of a teenage girl and her little sister who become encompassed in a supernatural mystery regarding a missing girl in the woods surrounding their new home in the English countryside.
Filmed at Pinewood Studios and the surrounding areas in Buckinghamshire, England, The Watcher in the Woods was one of several live-action films produced by Walt Disney Productions in the 1980s, when the studio was targeting young adult audiences. The film suffered from various production problems and was pulled from theatres after its initial release in 1980. It was re-released in 1981 after being re-edited and a revised ending added.
Helen and Paul Curtis (Carroll Baker and David McCallum) and their daughters Jan (Lynn-Holly Johnson) and Ellie (Kyle Richards), move into a manor. Mrs. Aylwood (Bette Davis), the owner of the residence, notices that Jan bears a striking resemblance to her daughter, Karen, who disappeared inside a chapel near the village 30 years previously.
A Watcher in the Woods (ISBN 0-689-30511-7) is a 1976 mystery novel by Florence Engel Randall that was published by Atheneum Books. It was re-released by Scholastic Book Services in 1980 a new title, The Watcher in the Woods (ISBN 0-590-31334-7) to tie-in with Walt Disney Studios' film adaptation with this new, slightly altered name.
From the cover blurb The family needed a house and the big old brick and stucco place in the country seemed perfect. Why then was Jan so unhappy about it? What was she afraid of? What was in woods beyond? She had felt it the very first day, walking up to the door. She had known the watcher was there as they knocked and waited for Mrs. Aylwood to come. And the little old woman, glancing at the woods, had known it was there too. Of course they bought the house. Jan had known they would. It was her mother's kind of house. Yet it was Jan who had made the purchase possible. Mrs. Aylwood, who was selling the house only because she had to, had talked to Jan and said, "I'll have to take a chance on you." What chance was that? Moving in, Jan felt the watcher still, but the only concrete evidence was a rash of broken mirrors-all with a large X across the middle. Not until the family went on a picnic near the old pond on the property did more clues come, and then they came as puzzles to be solved, as mysteries to be understood, as incredible facts to be absorbed, and as desperate need begging for prompt action. The universe is full of surprises, and Jan's watcher was one of the most amazing.
I can see night in the day time
Into the woods I quietly go
It takes all the strength I have in me
These are the woods
The night of the soul
Painful to see
Love without action
Painful to see years of neglect
Achin' to see all that they see
Still telling lies to the remains of respect
Creatures we are worth defending
It takes the right word said from the heart
Given to you without ending
Given to you, the purpose of art
Thousands of plans, I've made many
I wonder just how many plans I have made
Feelin' this mood overtake me
Finally to see the truth as it fades
Out of these woods will you take me
Out of these woods, out of the strom
Sinless child can you save me