The Volga (Russian: Во́лга; IPA: [ˈvolɡə]) is the longest river in Europe; it is also Europe's largest river in terms of discharge and watershed. It flows through central Russia and into the Caspian Sea, and is widely viewed as the national river of Russia.
Eleven of the twenty largest cities of Russia, including the capital, Moscow, are in the Volga's watershed (drainage basin).
Some of the largest reservoirs in the world can be found along the Volga. The river has a symbolic meaning in Russian culture and is often referred to as Волга-матушка Volga-Matushka (Mother Volga) in Russian literature and folklore.
The Russian hydronym Volga (Волга) derives from Proto-Slavic *vòlga "wetness, moisture", which is preserved in many Slavic languages, including Ukrainian volóha (воло́га) "moisture", Russian vlaga (влага) "moisture", Bulgarian vlaga (влага) "moisture", Czech vláha "dampness", Serbo-Croatian vlȁga "moisture", and Slovene vlaga "moisture" among others.
The Slavic name is a loan translation of earlier Scythian Rā (Ῥᾶ) "Volga", literally "wetness", cognate with Avestan Raŋhā "mythical stream" (also compare the derivation Sogdian r’k "vein, blood vessel" (*raha-ka),Persian رگ rag "vein") and Sanskrit rasā́- "liquid, juice; mythical river". The Scythian name survives in modern Mordvin Rav (Рав) "Volga".
The phone rings, it's early, it's seven o'clock.
He says sorry I woke you, but I just had to talk
You know last night, remember when I tried to choke you?
I didn't mean it, I was drunk, it was only a joke.
You should know that by now,
when the chequered flag comes down,
no one no one no one has won the race.
The next night he's over and over and under
and after he's finished she lies there and wonders
just why does she need him and why does she stay here
and then in the darkness she'll quietly say Dear,
you've never really known that when the white flag is flown,
no one no one no one has won the war.
They're complicated people
leading complicated lives,
and he complicates their problems
by telling complicated lies
He tells her he's sorry, she tells him it's over,
he tells her he's sorry, she says over and over
You've never really known that when the white flag is flown,
no one no one no one has won the war.
There goes a forest and there goes a bluebird
There goes a partridge and there goes a Go Train
There goes an angel and there goes a steeple
There goes a cop car and there goes an eagle
There goes a raven and there go the ribbons
There goes a raven and there go the ribbons
There goes a raven and there go
The ribbons the ribbons the ribbons