The Ugly is a 1997 New Zealand horror film, the first feature directed and written by Scott Reynolds. The film starred Paolo Rotondo, Rebecca Hobbs, Jennifer Ward-Lealand, and Roy Ward. The film is about a psychiatrist that is meeting with a serial killer to determine whether or not he has been successfully cured. They delve into a journey through his past and his victims, and through this "The Ugly," a distorted allusion to The Ugly Duckling, is revealed. It was nominated for best film awards at festivals in New Zealand, Portugal and the United States.
The film takes place in an old, worn down insane asylum in Auckland, New Zealand, run by Dr. Marlowe (Roy Ward). Simon Cartwright (Paolo Rotondo), one of his patients, is seeking an appeal from a psychiatrist to get a reevaluation of his mental state. He wants to prove that he’s been cured; Simon is a serial killer that has killed over a dozen different people. He wants a psychiatrist from outside of the asylum to take his case, and he specifically asks for Dr. Karen Shumaker. Dr. Shumaker (Rebecca Hobbs) has recently gained some publicity from winning a case involving another serial killer.
Young Vanyel once awakened from, a dream of death and
If he should choose to be a mage, his doom would then
draw near,
Of future filled with suffering was all that he could
And so he made a choice to leave k'Treva there then
Into the winter's bitter cold he hurried on that day,
His mind was numbed and chilled and he could scarcely
find his way.
When pondering his haste made choice he thought then to
But a magic cry for mercy made his frozen spirit burn.
Silver and amethyst the Colddrake hunts for prey,
Its glowing eyes can hypnotize and steal your soul
He caught the cry of magic then and followed it where
is led,
And all the while a helpless anguish echoed in his
He came upon a holding in a sheltered forest vale,
Destroyed in ruthless fury by a monster cold and pale.
A woman and her children huddled near the Colddrake's
Her husband lay in shreds beneath an unforgiving claw.
The beast entranced her victims neither looking left
nor right,
She knew full well the peasants had no way to run or
Silver and amethyst the Colddrake hunts for prey,
Its glowing eyes can hypnotize and steal your soul
Then suddenly a man stepped fourth, a pitch fork in his
As if alone he'd face the beast, and bravely take a
Though old and frail he could not bear to watch his
kinfolk die,
He was the only chance they had, and he was bound to
The old man thrust his weapon deep into the Coldrake’s
He knew his life was forfeit and there was no where to
As Vanyel watched, the monster killed the farmer where
he stood.
Distraction broke the calling as the old man knew it
Silver and amethyst the Colddrake hunts for prey,
Its glowing eyes can hypnotize and steal your soul
From hiding then did Vanyel spring, rage forcing his
He shielded all the peasants and he forced the monster
With magic drawn from hidden nodes, he flung the
Colddrake high
And watch it's broken body plummet from the winter sky.
Courage of the simple folk can move a man to tears,
Or give him strength to face a foe and conquer all his
So Vanyel made a choice that day, he never would
A farmer taught a lesson that the mage could not
Silver and amethyst the Colddrake hunts for prey,
Its glowing eyes can hypnotize and steal your soul
Silver and cardinal lay on the snow that day,
For young Vanyel unfroze his spell and chose the mage's