The Tartan, formerly known as The Carnegie Tartan, is the original student newspaper of Carnegie Mellon University. Publishing since 1906, it is one of Carnegie Mellon's largest and oldest student organizations. It currently has over 170 student members, who contribute on a weekly basis. It is funded by advertisements and the university's student activities fee.
There are two sections in The Tartan. One is a standard broadsheet news section and the other is an entertainment, arts, and living tabloid section called Pillbox.
The News section consists of the front page and two or three other pages of timely, campus-focused content covering events, accomplishments and disappointments of the student body. The section's semi-regular features include news analysis, personality profiles, investigative reporting, and trend reporting. Its regular features include news briefs, a preview of the university's lectures, featured photographs of campus events, and a weekly dose of topical statistics.
The Tartan is a student run newspaper published weekly for readers in and around Radford University in Radford, Virginia. Its staff works throughout the week to provide the students and faculty of Radford University, as well as the residents of the surrounding city of Radford, with timely and reliable news pertaining to the University and surrounding community. The paper is circulated every Wednesday afternoon, and is the most widely circulated publication in the town of Radford. First published in January 1921, The Tartan celebrated its ninetieth year of existence in January 2011.
The Tartan was originally started eleven years after Radford University was founded in 1910. Radford University was originally an all women's college. Radford University's only student run newspaper (originally called "The Grapurchat") was four pages, featured one picture, and the first centerpiece detailed a cocktail party which had happened the week before.
Since then, The Tartan's staff has ballooned to include four section editors, four assistant editors, an Editor-in-Chief, a Managing Editor, and a graphics and photography team to take pictures in the field and create their own designs. The Tartan has a weekly circulation of 4,000 papers.