The Tale of Genji (源氏物語, Genji monogatari) is a classic work of Japanese literature written by the noblewoman and lady-in-waiting Murasaki Shikibu in the early years of the 11th century, around the peak of the Heian period. It is sometimes called the world's first novel, the first modern novel, the first psychological novel or the first novel still to be considered a classic. Notably, the work also illustrates a unique depiction of the lifestyles of high courtiers during the Heian period. While regarded as a masterpiece, its precise classification and influence in both the Western and Eastern canons has been a matter of debate.
The Tale of Genji may have been written chapter by chapter in installments, as Murasaki delivered the tale to aristocratic women (the nyokan). It has many elements found in a modern novel: a central character and a very large number of major and minor characters, well-developed characterization of all the major players, a sequence of events covering the central character's lifetime and beyond. The work does not make use of a plot; instead, events happen and characters simply grow older. One remarkable feature of the Genji, and of Murasaki's skill, is its internal consistency, despite a dramatis personæ of some four hundred characters. For instance, all characters age in step and the family and feudal relationships maintain general consistency.
The Tale of Genji (Japanese: 源氏物語, Genji monogatari) is a 1951 Japanese drama film directed by Kōzaburō Yoshimura. It is based on the piece of Japanese literature of the same name. It was entered into the 1952 Cannes Film Festival.
The Tale of Genji (あさきゆめみし, Asakiyumemishi) is a Japanese manga version of Murasaki Shikibu's The Tale of Genji by Waki Yamato.
It follows nearly the same plot with some modern adaptation. It was originally published from 1980 to 1993. It spanned thirteen volumes and was published by Kodansha. The series was partially translated into English (as The Tale of Genji) by Stuart Atkin and Yoko Toyosaki as a part of Kodansha's attempts to publish bilingual manga as a study guide for Japanese students. The Tale of Genji sold 14 million copies with its 13 tankōbon volumes by May 2006. The first ten volumes focus on Hikaru Genji and his life, the final three volumes follow two princes, lord Kaoru and Niou no miya (Royal Prince with Perfumes) after Hikaru Genji's death.
An anime adaptation was scheduled to air in Fuji Television's noitaminA block, starting January 2009, but the producer decided to make the anime directly from the original Tale of Genji, calling the new anime Genji Monogatari Sennenki.
[Ty talking]
'Yes. This is a cautionary tale.
You can ... take it any which way you wanna.
I mean no disrespect in part two.
As we just ... alright ... let me ...' [Ty's voice fades]
It was a sunny afternoon, somewhere between April, May or maybe June
The year had been quite busy
and I was just taking a break from having to make a tune
I was chilling with my cousin rude boys undercover just ...
watching the place
Sitting opposite the tube
and this girl walked up and said 'I recognise your face.
Your name's Ty isn't it? I seen you in this and that magazine'
I was quite chuffed really,
looked slightly at my cousin and we both said 'seen!'
One month later she phones me up
'I'm in the area, can I come up?' I'm like 'please!'
Turned to my brethren said
'I love you like a brother, but BRUSH you got to leave!'
[Tee talking]
'You know what I'm saying? You got to leave! If you met this girl right,
you'd understand. You - have - got - to - go. Thank you.'
Check my reflection in the mirror,
spray a little air fresh, splash a little brute
Answer the intercom, 'is Tee there?' Oh,, she sounds cute!
I take her jacket and she's left with a white dress going from here to here
I offer her a drink, but she only wants water, I'm like 'oh each!'
The conversation goes from vague adult chat to thinly veiled come on's
Blood leaves my brain, my whole body's a drum stick ... anxious to drum on
How shall I approach this? I'm virtually brain dead plus the line's busy
I begin with a little friendly WWF and touch the titty!
[Girl talking, Ty whistling in background]
'Hold on, what are you doing? What are you doing? Are you trying to touch
any of this? Who are you? Just because ...' [Girl's voice fades]
Felt so ashamed! Had to excuse myself by pretending to take the piss
Walked to the mirror, splashed water on my face and said 'man what is this?'
Get a grip Ben, just because the girl's here doesn't mean you're in
Ha, this sexy bullshit can mess up the play
and make you think your love is king
[Ty talking]
'Ohhh boy. Listen ...
you know when you're in one of those predicaments where it's like,
just, oh what can I say, I can't say ...' [Ty's voice fades]
I left the bathroom with a clear head,
expecting her to moan, apologetic in the worst way
She's butt naked on the sofa,
smiling like a joker 'T-Y it's your birthdayyy!'
[Ty talking]
'No, no, no, no, no, no, no, y'know, no!
You don't, listen, you don't have to ask me what happened next!
Anyway, lets just say ... mighty fun was had by all!