The Syndicate is a British television drama series. It was written by Kay Mellor and is broadcast on BBC One. It sees five members of a betting syndicate win the lottery. Each series follows a different syndicate. In the first series, it is set in a Leeds supermarket, in the second, a public hospital in Bradford, and the third, a crumbly stately home near Scarborough. The theme tune from the show is a cover of "All Or Nothing", by the Small Faces, performed by Scars on 45.
The second series aired in 2013 on BBC One. It revolves around another syndicate in a similar situation. It was written by Kay Mellor. The series looks at a syndicate involving workers at a public hospital in Bradford, Yorkshire. Series 2 began on BBC One on 19 March 2013 and consisted of 6 episodes.
The Syndicate may refer to:
The Syndicate is a business group that uses digital marketing to sell get rich quick, work from home and self help products. Technology journalist Joshua Topolsky has described the Syndicate as "these guys call themselves Internet marketers, but what they're really doing is it's a pyramid scheme, essentially".
Members of the Syndicate use online advertising, email marketing, affiliate marketing and multi-level marketing to sell "info products", such as self-published books and videos that purport to teach customers how to get rich through online business. They also do lead generation for pressure-sales telemarketing companies called "boiler rooms". The Syndicate's members use the group as a way of coordinating product launches and release dates, and of enhancing perceived credibility through social proof. According to Syndicate member Frank Kern, "Have you ever noticed that all the people in the Internet Marketing world are promoting each other? I mean, we're not psychic. It's not like, 'Oh, I suddenly realize he's having a launch today, I have to nail it'. We all work together, all the top people work together."