The Sower (Slovene: Sejalec), created in 1907, is an oil on canvas painting by the Slovene Impressionist painter and musician Ivan Grohar. It is an image of a peasant sowing seeds on a ploughed field in an early and foggy morning. A hayrack, typical of the Slovene landscape, stands in the back, and even farther, the rocks of the small hill Kamnitnik near Škofja Loka. It has been a metaphor for the 19-th century myth of Slovenes as a vigorous nation in front of an unclear destiny, a symbol for the Slovene nation that sows in order that it could harvest, and a depiction of human interrelatedness with the nature. It is also a reflection of the context of Slovene transition from a rural to an urban culture. It has become one of the most characteristic and established Slovene creations in visual arts. It has been used by the IRWIN art group as well as the Semenarna Ljubljana seed company, and is depicted on the Slovenian 5 cent euro coin.
Peasant Character Studies is a series of works that Vincent van Gogh made between 1881 and 1885.
Van Gogh had a particular attachment and sympathy for the working class fueled in several ways. He was particularly fond of the peasant genre work of Jean-François Millet and others. He found the subjects noble and important in the development of modern art. Van Gogh had seen the changing landscape in the Netherlands as industrialization encroached on once pastoral settings and the livelihoods of the working poor with little opportunity to change vocation.
Van Gogh had a particular interest in creating character studies of working men and women in the Netherlands and Belgium, such as farmers, weavers, and fishermen. Making up a large body of Van Gogh's work during this period, the character studies were an important, foundational component in his artistic development.
The "peasant genre" of the Realism movement began in the 1840s with the works of Jean-François Millet, Jules Breton, and others. Van Gogh described the works of Millet and Breton as having religious significance, "something on high," and described them as being the "voices of the wheat."
The Sower is a 1907 painting by Ivan Grohar.
The Sower may also refer to:
The Sower (2009) is the bestselling second novel by American author Kemble Scott, pen name of Scott James, writer of a weekly column about the San Francisco Bay Area published in both The Bay Citizen and The New York Times.
It was the first novel in publishing history to be sold in digital form by Scribd, the document sharing website. The Sower premiered on May 18, 2009 in conjunction with the launch of the company’s book selling division, Scribd Store. The author's decision to break with tradition and offer a first release of a new novel as a digital book received worldwide media attention, including coverage in The New York Times,The Times,The Los Angeles Times, and on National Public Radio.
The media coverage led to offers to created a printed version. On August 31, 2009 Numina Press published the first hardcover edition, which instantly hit the San Francisco Chronicle's bestsellers list, premiering at #5 for that week.
The Sower is a darkly comic novel that tells the story of a California oil worker who becomes the sole carrier of a manmade virus that appears to cure all diseases. But the only way this cure is passed to others is through sex. Large forces conspire to prevent this from happening by plotting to control or destroy the virus and its host.
The Sower is a public art work by artist Gustav Bohland, located on the south side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The bronze sculpture depicts an agricultural worker dressed in overalls and carrying a seed bag. The figure's shirt sleeves are rolled up past his elbows and the wide brim of a hat shades his face. His shirt collar is open. One hand holds the seed bag against his hip, and the other hand is cupped and extended in a gesture of scattering seeds. His boots rest on a small round base mounted on a circular flagstone pedestal. The artwork is located at the former corporate headquarters of Froedtert Malting Company.
School holidays were draggin' on
He was gettin' really bored
And his Mum had started poppin' pills
She was climbin' up the walls
So when he asked her could he go across
The buildin' site and play
She just popped another pill 'n' just said
"Don't get in the way"
So he chucked his little toolbox
In his billycart 'n' left
While his Mum knocked up a cuppa
Laced with valium and Bex
She needed all the help she could
To cope with holidays
But the pills and powders weren't enough
When he got home from play ... 'n' said ...
I wanna be a fuckin' builder when I grow up ... eh, Mum
And build fuckin' houses everywhere, millions of the
A bricky or a chippy, eh Mum, I don't give a fuck
I just wanna be a fuckin' builder when I grow up
It seemed the sawn-off shit
Had listened to the builders while they worked
And he'd remembered everything --
Word for fuckin' word!
And his shell-shocked Mum just sat there
As he went on to explain
How "some wanker lost the fuckin' plans
Then found the cunts again!"
And how "some dickhead missed the fuckin' nail
And hit his fuckin' thumb!"
And how "they shaved a mickey whisker
Off the door to close the cunt!"
And his voice was so excited
Best fun he'd ever had!
"And can I go back tomorrow, Mum?
Can't wait till I tell Dad, how ...
I wanna be a fuckin' builder when I grow up
And build fuckin' houses everywhere, millions of the
A bricky or a chippy, really, I don't give a fuck
I just wanna be a fuckin' builder when I grow up
His Mum was scoffin' scotch and serepax
And propped against the fridge
And when his Dad got home she dribbled
"Tell your father what you said"
So the young bloke give his Dad a serve
The air was turnin' blue
"Fuck the weather, fuck the foreman
'N' fuck the unions, too!"
His old man turned fuckin' purple
'N' his whole body started to twitch
Until finally he exploded
"Go and get a switch!"
But the young bloke shook his head
'N' said, "No way, mate, I've knocked off
Anyway, you c'n go 'n' get rooted
Cause that's a fuckin' electrician's job!"
Cause I wanna be a fuckin' builder when I grow up
And build fuckin' houses everywhere, millions of the
A bricky or a chippy, not a sparky, go get fucked
I just wanna be a fuckin' builder when I grow up
Yeah, I wanna be a fuckin' builder when I grow up
And build fuckin' houses everywhere, millions of the
A bricky or a chippy, you cranky bastard, go get fucked
I just wanna be a fuckin' builder when I grow up
Yeah, I wanna be a fuckin' builder when I grow up
And build fuckin' houses everywhere, millions of the
A bricky or a chippy, you're not me foreman, go get