The Silver Spike

The Silver Spike is a spin-off novel from Glen Cook's The Black Company. The story combines elements of epic fantasy and dark fantasy as it follows two former members of The Black Company and the formerly renowned "White Rose" down their own path after parting ways with the company following the events at the conclusion of The White Rose.

Plot summary

The Dominator was a wizard of immense power who could not be killed by his enemies. He was, however, defeated and his evil essence imprisoned in a silver spike. The power inherent in the spike is so greatly feared and desired that some try to steal it, while others try to keep it from falling into anyone's hands.

Characters in "The Silver Spike"

Spike Hunters

  • Tully Stahl
  • Smeds Stahl – Tully's cousin
  • Old Man Fish (Forto Reibus)
  • Timmy Locan
  • The Rebellion

  • Darling (Tonie Fisk) – The White Rose
  • Silent – Wizard formerly of The Black Company
  • Bomanz the Wakener (Seth Chalk)
  • Brother Bear Torque
  • Donkey Dick “Stubby” Torque
  • Paddlefoot Torque
  • Spodiopogon sibiricus

    Spodiopogon sibiricus is a species of perennial grass in the Poaceae family, native to Siberia, Mongolia, China, Korea, and Japan. Culms are solitary, erect, 70–200 cm in height, 2–4 mm in diameter, and unbranched.

    Common names

  • frost grass
  • Siberian graybeard
  • silverspike
  • References and external links

  • entry
  • Fund. Agrost. 192. 1820.
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences. 1959–. Flora reipublicae popularis sinicae.
  • Encke, F. et al. 1984. Zander: Handwörterbuch der Pflanzennamen, 13. Auflage.
  • FNA Editorial Committee. 1993–. Flora of North America.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO). 2010. Ecocrop (on-line resource).
  • Fu, Y. C. et al. 1977–. Flora intramongolica.
  • Huxley, A., ed. 1992. The new Royal Horticultural Society dictionary of gardening.
  • Jiangsu Inst. Bot., ed. v. 1; Shan. R. H., ed. v. 2. 1977–1982. Jiangsu Zhiwuzhi (Flora of Jiangsu).
  • Kitagawa, M. 1979. Neo-lineamenta florae Manshuricae.
  • Koyama, T. 1987. Grasses of Japan and its neighboring regions.
  • Podcasts:


    The Spike

    by: Moistboyz

    Your mother said to stay away she's kneeling down to pray
    Don't even think to criticize he'll make your daughters
    There is a man who's got a knife he kills before he begs
    Slice your girl and dice her down she'll amongst the
    You'll never see the boys again with stumpy little pegs
    He has to wear a sheath because the spike's between his
    Little bitches come to him - princess brides who've never
    Can't protect the innocent - they're the ones who never
    Don't you try to run again - the warnings that your mama
    Think of all the time you saved by standing on the spike
    Wash in bloody water 'cuz you'll never heal the scars
    Cold metallic penetration makes you see the stars
    Razor sharp and purified you've never seen the likes
    There is no man that can compare to standing on the spike
    Little bitches come to him - princess brides who've never
    Can't protect the innocent - they're the ones who never
    Don't you try to run again - the warnings that your mama
