The Science Network (TSN) is a non-profit virtual forum dedicated to science and its impact on society. Initially conceived in 2003 by Roger Bingham and Terry Sejnowski as a cable science network, TSN would soon become a global digital platform. TSN currently offers free access to over 1100 videos. of lectures from scientific meetings and long form one-on-one conversations with prominent scientists and communicators of science, including Neil deGrasse Tyson, V.S. Ramachandran, Helen S. Mayberg, and Barbara Landau, on topics including education, aging, neuroscience, and stem cells. As part of its mission, TSN has also sponsored and co-sponsored scientific forums, such as the landmark Symposium and Town Hall meeting, Stem cells: science, ethics and politics at the crossroads, held at the Salk Institute in 2004 and the Beyond Belief conference series.
TSN's signature series Beyond Belief was conceived to bring together a community of scientists, philosophers, scholars from the humanities, and social commentators. Speakers at these meetings have included Steven Weinberg, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Harry Kroto, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Stuart Kauffman. So far, the following three Beyond Belief conferences were organized:
It has a beginning (It has a beginning)
It has an end (It has an end)
It's a beautiful story (It's a beautiful story)
But it's pretend (But it's pretend)
It keeps us laughing (It keeps us laughing)
It makes us cry (It makes us cry)
It's alive, it's Joe Robot
Have tin can, have Joe Robot
Where is it going? (It has a beginning)
Where has it been? (It has an end)
It's a trojan horse (It's a beautiful story)
Or is it friend? (But it's pretend)
It's alive, it's Joe Robot
Have tin can, have Joe Robot
Joe Robot
Joe Robot
Joe Robot
Joe Robot
Joe Robot
Joe Robot
Joe Robot