The Scholars were an American band. Like the Nuckle Brothers, No Doubt and Reel Big Fish, they are one of the main founding bands of the Orange County ska scene.
The Scholars' lineup changed on a regular basis. Current and former members of Reel Big Fish Aaron Barrett (Guitar/Vocals), Grant Barry (Trombone) and Scott Klopfenstein (Trumpet/Vocals) all played in The Scholars. Jay Layafette, a member of the now defunct O.C. ska band called The Forces of Evil, played trumpet for them in their very last days of playing shows. Their singer, Jesse Wilder, fronted a power pop group known as Teen Heroes, and also played Saxophone and Keyboard for The Scholars. He and Scott Klopfenstein later collaborated on a number of projects, including The Littlest Man Band and PAL with Scholars bassist Jake Berry and drummer Greg Parkin.
Their only main release, an 8-song demo called I'm In A Band, can be found on their anthology Last Great Record of The 20th Century on Vegas Records, along with numerous live songs and goofy pre-studio tracks they recorded with a tape deck in their drummer Greg's garage. They were a hit at the local high school Los Alamitos High School, where they were also students. They opened and headlined shows with more unknown local acts such as Exit Smiling, Leonard's Lunchbox, The Nuckle Brothers, The Goodwin Club, Suburban Rhythm and others.
The Scholars can refer to:
The Scholars (Chinese: 儒林外史; pinyin: Rúlínwàishǐ; literally: "The Unofficial History of the Forest (ie. World) of the Literati") is a Chinese novel authored by Wu Jingzi (吳敬梓) and completed in 1750 during the Qing Dynasty.
Set in the Ming period, the novel describes and often satirizes Chinese scholars in a vernacular Chinese idiom. The first and last chapters portray recluses, but most of the loosely connected stories that form the bulk of the novel are didactic and satiric stories, on the one hand holding up exemplary Confucian behavior, but on the other ridiculing over-ambitious scholars and criticizing the civil service examination system.
Promoting naturalistic attitudes over belief in the supernatural, the author rejects the popular belief in retribution: his bad characters suffer no punishment. The characters in these stories are intellectuals, perhaps based on the author's friends and contemporaries. Wu also portrays women sympathetically: the chief character Du treats his wife as a companion instead of as an inferior. Although it is a satiric novel, a major incident in the novel is Du's attempt to renovate his family's ancestral temple, suggesting the author shared with Du a belief in the importance of Confucianism.
"The Scholars" is a poem written by the Irish poet William Butler Yeats. It was written between 1914 and April 1915, and is included in the 1919 collection The Wild Swans at Coole.
BALD heads forgetful of their sins,
Old, learned, respectable bald heads
Edit and annotate the lines
That young men, tossing on their beds,
Rhymed out in love’s despair
To flatter beauty’s ignorant ear.
They’ll cough in the ink to the world’s end;
Wear out the carpet with their shoes
Earning respect; have no strange friend;
If they have sinned nobody knows.
Lord, what would they say
Did their Catullus walk that way?