Entourage is an American comedy-drama television series created for HBO by Doug Ellin, who also serves as an executive producer along with Mark Wahlberg, Stephen Levinson, Dennis Biggs, Rob Weiss and Ally Musika. The series, loosely based on Wahlberg's own experiences of the film industry, follows Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier), a New York born actor living in Los Angeles as he struggles with the ups and downs of a career in Hollywood. He is aided, and often hindered, by his entourage, which consists of his half-brother and struggling actor Johnny "Drama" Chase (Kevin Dillon), his childhood friend and manager Eric "E" Murphy (Kevin Connolly), his ruthless agent Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) and his other long-time friend Turtle (Jerry Ferrara). Entourage premiered on HBO on July 18, 2004 and aired its final episode on September 11, 2011. A total of 96 episodes were aired over eight seasons.
The Scene was a miniseries created by Jun Group Entertainment. This first-of-its-kind film was targeted to peer-to-peer (P2P) users, both in distribution, subject and style.
The series were financed through sponsorship deals and released for free on the web and on P2P networks under a Creative Commons license (attribution, no derivative works). Mitchell Reichgut, director of the series, says in an e-mail newsletter:
The story centers on Drosan (Brian Sandro), a member of a fictitious scene group called CPX. Drosan is forced by circumstances to sell the pre-release films to commercial pirates in Asia.
Each episode is filmed as a combination of a webcam video showing one of the actors superimposed on their desktop, showing e-mail, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and instant messaging conversations. Most of the action takes place on the computer screen.
Scene (from Greek σκηνή skēnḗ) may refer to:
The Scene may refer to: