The Owl Club of Cape Town, South Africa, is a gentleman’s dining club formed in 1894 to provide a social meeting place for those with an interest in the liberal arts and science. The members are entertained and informed by a tradition of speakers and musical performance.


Background to the name [link]

It was the wife of the first Secretary, C. G. Lowinger, who coined the name. Soon after the genesis of the idea of its formation, four men sat in the twilight near the Royal Observatory in Cape Town discussing what it should be called. W. E. Ranby, the first chronicler of the Club, takes up the tale: “Into the gathered darkness came Mrs Lowinger with the natural inquiry, ‘Why are you all sitting here in the dark like a lot of owls?’ ‘The very name for our Club!’ they cried, and the Owl Club it was called and remains” (Ranby 1952: 7). Members are designated as “Brother Owl” or Owl so-and-so. The first formal meeting of the Owl Club took place on 1 October 1894.

Location of the Club [link]

Down the years, the Club has met in various venues in the City of Cape Town. Between 1975 and 1998 it met at the Cape Town Club (formerly the City and Civil Service Club) in Queen Victoria Street. Since 1998, the venue for meetings has been the Kelvin Grove Club at Newlands, Cape Town, usually in the Grill Room.

The Club today [link]

The Owl Club maintains a tradition of monthly dinners for members and their male guests; “black tie” is the customary plumage. The normal pattern of each meeting comprises a main speaker, always a guest, followed by a musical item which may be provided by an Owl or by an outside performer. There follows a bar interval, when the Owls and their guests move around to chat, often congregating around the bar. The second part of the meeting features a shorter talk by an Owl which, because of its purposeful inconsequence, is nicknamed “The Waste Paper Basket”. A second musical item closes the evening.

By convention, speakers are requested to avoid such references to religion, sexual matters and party politics that may give offence; English is the only language used for the addresses. If possible, the delivery should be what one of our great former presidents referred to as “A light touch with something behind it”. The speaker is not subjected to interjections, nor is he required to answer questions after his address; and experience has shown that it is generally undesirable to invite them. The press are not present but the proceedings are recorded and a monthly digest is circulated to members.

The current President of the Owl Club is Owl Tony Murray.

Membership [link]

Members are classified into one or more of five "faculties" which best describe their main interest: Art, Drama, Literature, Music or Science. The category might mirror a member's profession, though there are many members who have an interest in one or more of the Membership categories without engaging in it professionally. Membership is by invitation only. The fitness of a prospective member is judged initially by his proposer and seconder, who present his curriculum vitæ for consideration by the Committee of the Owl Club. He should have demonstrated some distinction in his area; but the overriding criterion should be his ability to dwell in harmony with his fellow Owls. So, on occasion, members have been elected more for their “clubability” than for their distinction, and this is perfectly acceptable.

Opening hours and reciprocal arrangements [link]

The Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month, with the exception of January; in December, to avoid a “bump” with the Christmas meeting of the Oxford and Cambridge Club, the meeting may take place on the previous Tuesday. Meetings commence at 8.00 p.m., preceded by a dinner (6.30 p.m. for 7.00 p.m.) and last until about 10.30 p.m.

The Owl Club enjoys reciprocal arrangements with the Savage Club and the Eccentric Club, both of London, and the Melbourne Savage Club in Australia.

Further information [link]

The origins and history of the Owl Club from 1894 to 1950 are recorded by W. E. Ranby in The Owl Club 1894-1950 (Cape Town: The Owl Club, 1952). Eric Rosenthal and other Owls continued the account for the years 1951 to 1981 in a collective history, The third Tuesday (Cape Town: The Owl Club, 1982). For its centenary publication, the Club decided to compile an anthology based on the addresses to Owl Club members in the period since 1981: The unjealous years: an Owl Club anthology, selected and edited by James A. Henry, with illustrations by Tony Grogan, Joe Lister and Townley Johnson (Cape Town: The Owl Club, 1996).

References [link]

RANBY, W.E. 1952. The Owl Club 1894-1950. Cape Town: The Owl Club, 1952.

Other material based on a set of notes for guests compiled by the late Owl Michael Fisher (1932-2010), formerly Secretary-Bird of The Owl Club (1996-2005).

Owl (disambiguation)

Owls are nocturnal birds of prey.

Owl, Owls or OWL may also refer to:


  • Fraternal Order of Owls, a fraternal order of the United States
  • Owl Club (Harvard), a men's only final club at Harvard College
  • The Owl Club of South Africa
  • Older Women's League (OWL - The Voice of Women 40+)
  • The Owl Drug Company, an American drugs company named after the owl
  • Places

  • Owl, Arizona, United States, an unincorporated community
  • Owl Peak (Wyoming), United States
  • Owl Creek (Colorado), United States
  • Owl River (Manitoba), Canada
  • Owl Mountains, Poland
  • Owl Nebula, in the constellation Ursa Major
  • NGC 457, an open star cluster also known as the Owl Cluster
  • Military

  • HMS Owl, a ship and a shore establishment
  • USS Owl, two ships
  • CSS Owl, a Confederate States Navy blockade runner in the American Civil War
  • Curtiss O-52 Owl, a United States Army Air Corps observation aircraft used before and during World War II
  • Arts and entertainment

    Film and television

  • Owl (film), a 2003 Japanese black comedy
  • The Owl (film), a 1991 action genre television movie
  • Owl (Dell Comics)

    The Owl is a fictional superhero character who first appeared in Dell Comics in 1940; not to be confused with the Marvel Comics villain of the same name or with DC Comics’ Owlman.

    Fictional biography

    Police detective Nick Terry became The Owl so that he could more freely protect his home city of Yorktown from criminals. Not having superpowers, he instead relied on his fighting skills and a number of gimmicks, such as his flying “Owlmobile,” a cape that functions as a hang glider, and a hand-held “black light” gun that casts a beam of darkness. His girlfriend, newspaper reporter Belle Wayne, found out his secret and became his sidekick, Owl Girl.

    At some point after World War II, The Owl (along with dozens of other heroes) was trapped in the Urn of Pandora by the misguided Fighting Yank. Decades later, the Urn was shattered and the heroes freed, many of whom were transformed by the experience. The Owl now had the power of flight and the power to emanate a field of black light from his body. He returned to Yorktown and found that it was now being watched over by a ruthless new Owl Girl who was the granddaughter of the original.

    The Owl (TV series)

    The Owl, also known as La Chouette, is a series of short CGI-animated episodes for children's television. The series features the eponymous owl, pink in colour, and with blue feet that "float" below her body. Each of the minute-long fifty-two episodes centres on the owl attempting to overcome unfortunate circumstances (sometimes created by her negative attitude and antisocial behavior), but end in her demise by her various appendages and body being dispensed of in unusual or comical ways. The series also feature a surrealistic world with floating objects and exploding apples.

    List of episodes

  • Windy
  • The Ant
  • Bubbles
  • The Woodpecker
  • The Lightning
  • Roller Coaster
  • Bat Owl
  • The Pigeons
  • Apple Storm
  • Gluttony
  • The Sticky Caterpillar
  • The Stork
  • The Race
  • Squirrel Thief
  • Puppets
  • The Tyre Swing
  • The Bees
  • Badminton
  • Spider Time
  • The Magpie
  • Christmas Small Boxes
  • Trampoline
  • Surveillance
  • Space Owl
  • The Kite
  • Break Dance
  • Chewing Gum
  • The Sloth
  • Boomerang
  • Master Crow
  • Sheep
  • The Bugging Parrot
  • The Cardinal
  • The Mosquito
  • The Shaolin Frog
  • Podcasts:


    The Club

    by: Assassin

    Wednesday, day number one has arrived
    The club opens up at 9
    Big Klaus is bouncing all around
    An extreme fight crowns the night
    Thursday night the second day of action
    The happy hour is a must
    While Friday night comes psycho crazy
    Maniacs to turn your face around
    All shrinks are insane
    The club is in my veins
    Morals and values of the crazy minds
    The outsider is the society
    We tear it off the ground
    Hey, hey, join the club of monstrous action
    Hey, hey, you may talk to special people
    Hey, hey, have some vodka lemon there
    Hey, hey, relax in the living room with K2
    Saturday, Dr. Oetker's pack attacks
    And is rioting for free speech
    Hassan, the Morroccan warrior
    Goes off to battle with his club
    The final day of ravage which lead to total chaos
    Is Sunday's holy jazz hour
    The holy man Ulf sends his blessings for the world
    Peace, hand in hand we dance and shout
    We are the anarchist
