The Orion is a skyscraper located at 350 West 42nd Street between Eighth and Ninth Avenues in the Hell's Kitchen or Clinton neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. The building rises 604 feet (184 m) above street level, containing 58 floors of residential units. Despite its relatively modest height for a skyscraper, the residential building has dominated the 42nd Street landscape west of Times Square since its topout in September 2005, and the building has views of New York City in every direction.
The building was designed by the architectural firm CetraRuddy, who also designed One Madison Park.
Media related to The Orion at Wikimedia Commons
The Orion is the student newspaper of California State University, Chico and produces 32 issues every year, 16 each semester. Its offices are in the basement of Plumas Hall on the Chico State campus. It has won numerous state and national awards, including several National Pacemakers. Its name is taken from the constellation Orion, as the newspaper is meant to be a "hunter of truth."
The Orion's first issue was published March 12, 1975. The offices were in the basement of Meriam Library. The newspaper was eight pages long and in tabloid format. There was another student paper on campus, The Wildcat, which was funded by the Associated Students.
Because of frequent conflicts, The Wildcat removed itself from the campus in 1977, leaving The Orion as Chico State's only student newspaper. Today, The Wildcat is known as the Chico News & Review.
The Orion moved from the Meriam Library basement to the Plumas Hall basement in the mid-1980s. The Orion won its first National Newspaper Pacemaker Award in 1989.
[Den dimholjda]
[Hel, the goddess of death is also the goddess of fulfilment. Her name means both "hole" and "whole" and she governs not only death but also the process of birth and rebirth. Hel was hurled down to the world of ice in the beginning of time and there she created nine dark worlds. The bright god Balder and the power of the sun descend into her misty realm, but in the future Balder will be reborn and rise from the womb of Hel like the sun in the springtime.]
Heldrasil, O Heldrasil
Den dimhöljda gudinnan Hel
i nio världar styr.
På Gjallarbron, i älven Gjöll
de döda söker Dig.
Allt för många inför Dig förtvivla,
O stora gudinna i Hel,
Ditt sköte är moder till tiden
hos Dig tager döden sin del.
Se nornorna spinna vår tråd,
vårt öde styra de
Till Gnipahålan går vår färd
likt Balder då vi dö.
Vi till Helheim likt Hermod ska resa
hos Döden vi finna vårt guld,
när Balder en gång kommer ålter
från Utrid, Verdandi och Skuld.
När Helgrinden ska öppna sig
då stiger solen upp
nu återfödd ur vinterns djup
tillsammans med Höder.
Som en skugga fanns Loke hos Höder
när Balder blev dödad med list.
och alla försvann ner till Helheim
med Misteltens magiska kvist.
Se Helgrinden som öppnar sig
och guden stiger upp
nu återfödd ur vinterns djup
med solen som sitt svärd.
Den fördolda gudinnan i Helheim
bedriver med livet sitt spel.
Ditt sköte är moder till tiden
O stora gudinna i Hel!
[English translation:]
In Nine Worlds to reign
O magnific Godess Hel
On Gjallarbron, Above the (river) Gjoll
They want you.
To fast You fall into despair
O magnific Godess Hel
With Your Womb you'r the Mother of times
and the death is part of you
To Gnipahalan we will follow our jorney
we'll see the norns making our line
our destiny their guide
(and) just like Balder we will die
Like Hermod we'll ride to Helheim
and dead, we'll find our Gold,
When come back again
From Urtid, Verdandi and Skuld
When is open the gates of hel
the sun rise
Reborning from the deep winter,
With Höder
When Balder was killed on the trap
of loki, like a shadow, guiding Höder,
he vanished like everyone in Helheim
by the Mistletoe's magic spear
The God Rises
Behold the opening gates of hel,
Reborning from the deep winter
Hiden Godness of Helheim
He posses the Sun as a Sword,
Play Your game With the life
With Your Womb you'r the Mother of times