The Narcicyst

Yassin Alsalman, better known by his stage name The Narcicyst (or Narcy), is an Iraqi-Canadian journalist and Hip Hop MC. He currently resides in Montreal, Canada.


Alsalman's parents are originally from Basra, Iraq but emigrated to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the 1970s. Yassin was born in Dubai in 1982. In 1987, at the age of five, he and his family moved to Montreal, Canada. Yassin spent much of his youth moving back and forth between Canada and the UAE, spending his high school years receiving an education in Dubai. In 2000 Yassin moved back to Montreal and started working on his music production in a local recording studio.

In 2009 he appeared in the movie City of Life which revolves around life in Dubai. In the movie, he played the role of Khalfan, the careless but loving Emirati teenager.

In 2011 Alsalman taught a course at Concordia University, in conjunction with Marc Peters, titled: "Hip Hop: Past, Present, and Future."



  • Fear of an Arab Planet
  • Podcasts:

    The Narcicyst
