The Mudge Boy is a 2003 American drama film produced by Showtime. It was directed by Michael Burke and based on his 1998 short film Fishbelly White, featured in the compilation Boys Life 5.
Shy, isolated, sexually confused farm boy Duncan Mudge's mother has recently died, leaving him under the supervision of his stern, depressed father Edgar. Duncan seems somehow to have transferred his love for the deceased mother to his favorite chicken, which he takes everywhere, even to bed. He has developed the odd habit of putting the chicken's head in his mouth—to calm the animal, he says. Duncan also likes to dress in his late mother's clothing, much to the distress of his bewildered father. The small, insular band of conformist teens that comprise adolescent social life in Duncan's world initially ostracize him, then allow him in to their circle only reluctantly, and largely for their own amusement. Duncan is beset with a profound sense of grief while trying to reconcile himself to a world in which he is a sexual alien. His crush on a local boy, Perry Foley, leads to a violent resolution where Duncan relinquishes that which he loves.
the movement of the air
is the only thing i can breathe
it’s my only possession
it’s my only disease
if a sea of self resentment
is the only thing you can see
will you be able to forgive yourself
what a pale existence
reminds me sometimes of me
i could see the resemblance
i could see the difference
i’ve been a boy for to long
but i’m awake the boy here,
how long ‘till he’ll break
intend to miss you
intend to miss you bad
but tend to keep my habitat sealed
burn my loved ones it seems i’m
so indifferent to the meaning of
existence and feelings
bound to a toll on my heart is
pushed away alone here