The Muckers
The Muckers are a football hooligan firm linked to the football club Blackpool F.C. They take their name from the word mucker, a colloquialism meaning good friend.
Although Blackpool are a relatively small club, there is a long history of hooliganism, which had all but disappeared until recent times. Part of the reasons given for this history of violence is that a feature of Blackpool life is fighting, especially as in the summer months groups of young men would visit the resort, giving the locals ample opportunity to fight whenever they wanted. Benny, one of the leaders of another firm associated with Blackpool, Bennys Mob stated that “Blackpool is full of mobs, especially in the Summer. You could easily be fighting every week.” Whilst many other Firms have retained the same name throughout their history such as the Chelsea Headhunters or the Inter City Firm who follow West Ham, there have been a number of names for the various firms who follow Blackpool – Rammy Arms Crew, Bennys Mob, BISONS (or Bisons Riot Squad, and now The Muckers.