The Lucky Number is a 1932 British comedy film directed by Anthony Asquith and starring Clifford Mollison, Gordon Harker, Joan Wyndham and Frank Pettingell. The screenplay concerns a professional footballer who attempts to recover a winning pools ticket. The film was made by Gainsborough Pictures and the football scenes were filmed in and around Highbury Stadium in North London.
The Lucky Number at the Internet Movie Database
In number theory, a lucky number is a natural number in a set which is generated by a certain "sieve". This sieve is similar to the Sieve of Eratosthenes that generates the primes, but it eliminates numbers based on their position in the remaining set, instead of their value (or position in the initial set of natural numbers).
One way that the application of the procedure differs to that of the Sieve of Eratosthenes is, for n being the number being multiplied on a specific pass, the first number eliminated on the pass is the n-th remaining number that hasn't yet been eliminated, as opposed to the number 2n. That is to say that the numbers this sieve counts through is different on each pass (for example 1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 19... on the third pass), whereas in the Sieve of Eratosthenes, the sieve always counts through the entire original list (1, 2, 3...).
When this procedure has been carried out completely, the survivors are the lucky numbers:
The term was introduced in 1956 in a paper by Gardiner, Lazarus, Metropolis and Ulam. They suggest also calling its defining sieve, "the sieve of Josephus Flavius" because of its similarity with the counting-out game in the Josephus problem.
Lucky number may refer to:
Lucky Number Slevin, (known as The Wrong Man in Australia), is a 2006 Comedy film written by Jason Smilovic, directed by Paul McGuigan and starring Josh Hartnett, Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Ben Kingsley, Lucy Liu and Stanley Tucci.
Set in New York City, the plot focuses on the paths of Slevin Kelevra (Hartnett), Lindsey (Liu), two feuding crime lords known as The Boss (Freeman) and The Rabbi (Kingsley), and a mysterious hitman known as Mr. Goodkat (Willis).
During the film's opening credits, two bookies are separately ambushed and murdered by their unseen killers; elsewhere, a young man is killed by a sniper. In a bus terminal, a young man is approached by Goodkat (Bruce Willis), who tells the story of Max and the Kansas City Shuffle: two decades earlier, Max borrowed money from the mob to bet on a fixed horse race, only for the horse to die mid-race. To set an example to make sure nobody else would try to bet on a fixed race, the mob killed Max, his wife and young son Henry. Goodkat concludes that a "Kansas City Shuffle" is a misleading double bluff, and so tricks and kills the young man, before loading his body into a truck.
Golden Earring
Lucky Number
Lucky numbers, comin'my way
Super vision, mile away
It's one for alone and two for me and you
And two and three have been singing
Is it true that heaven is next door
Just about three steps climbing
We all know what four stamps are for
With you in time swamping partners
Nothing to jive, just give me five
Let's drown in holy water
Lucky numbers, lottery
Super vision, wait for me
Six and stones, back my loans
And pay the debts I carry
Save that seven just for me
I find it failed me rarely
Roll an eight on wheels of faith
Along the course of a dead man's knee
Bill me nine, I won't say no
I like a Laffy Daffy
Place the bet, spin roulette, last time for Bingo
Cash a cheque, stick out your neck, play joker Tango
Lend your ears, take a pair of wheels. Lucky number Lingo
And when you loose, you curse the fortune game
Blame the loss on dames and dames
Find yourself where you began
Worshipping your number one
Place the bet, spin roulette, last time for Bingo
Cash a cheque, stick out your neck, play joker Tango
Lend your ears, take a pair of wheels. Lucky number Lingo
Lucky numbers, last a day
Super vision, now obey
Number ten won't listen at all
Search for getting even
Hear the call, help me fall
Ruther on eleven
Just leave twelve to itself
Welcome Mister Mean
To this hotel, a special warm
Talkin'about thirteen
Place the bet, spin roulette, last time for Bingo
Cash a cheque, stick out your neck, play joker Tango
Lend your ears, take a pair of wheels. Lucky number Lingo
And when you loose, you curse the fortune game
Blame the loss on dames and dames
Find yourself where you began
Worshipping your number one
Place the bet, spin roulette, last time for Bingo
Cash a cheque, stick out your neck, play joker Tango