Liberalism, is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.
Classical liberalism, a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.
Conservative liberalism, a variant of liberalism, combining liberal values and policies with conservative stances, or, more simply, representing the right-wing of the liberal movement
Economic liberalism, the ideological belief in organizing the economy on individualist lines, such that the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by private individuals and not by collective institutions.
Social liberalism, the belief that liberalism should include social justice and that the legitimate role of the state includes addressing issues such as unemployment, health care, education, and the expansion of civil rights
While the party historically was positioned in the centre of the Swedish political landscape, willing to cooperate with both the political left and the right, it has since the leaderships of Lars Leijonborg and Jan Björklund in the 2000s become more conservative and positioned itself clearly on the right. The party's policies include action toward a free market economy and pushing for Sweden to join NATO and the Eurozone, as well as investing in nuclear power; lately it has focused more on gender equality and the school system.
... that the objective of the commemoration is to pass on to the young generation the history of the heroic feats demonstrated by the gallant liberation fighters during the struggle to liberate Nakfa.
As the Liberal government approaches its tenth year in power, it is worth assessing its impact on Canada’s agri-food sector ... The performance of the Canadian agri-food sector under the Liberals is a study in contrasts.
Ottawa, ON - After a lost Liberal decade, the Liberal government has made housing unaffordable for Canadians... the Liberals kept taxes high and refused to slash red tape on the construction of homes.
14.31 Eolus at the LiberalParty's National Meeting. Over the weekend, Eolus participated as an exhibitor at the Liberal Party's national meeting in sunny Karlstad... With over 500 of the Liberal Party's ...
There’s a new war within the liberal intelligentsia and it’s got to do with a funny word ... Two new books are at the heart of this struggle ... The other, Why NothingWorks, comes from Marc J ... There’s a New War Among the Liberal Intelligentsia.
Donald Trump’s election as the President of the US, in 2025 however has forced the existing liberal international order to undergo painful changes ... As such, the liberal international order is under ...
During the meeting, two stages of restoration work were determined, including a significant number of settlements ...Without reliable power supply to the liberated settlements, this is impossible", Boris Ebzeev emphasized.
"Losing your wife to own the liberals ... We saw this during the pandemic, as Republican voters — unable to admit liberals could be right about anything, including the germ theory of disease — refused to ...
South Africa took the road of liberalism and neoliberalism. Liberalism, in the sense that we think of advances for the deprived—voting, ... The liberal solution doesn’t address the problems of history.